Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3693

  1. Status Civitatis Vaticanae - State of the Vatican City (Official Latin name of the Vatican)
  2. Status quaestionis - The status of the investigation
  3. Status Quo - State of affairs (Diplomatic term)
  4. Statuto de terris ad manum mortuam non ponendo edito non obstante - Not withstanding the statute edicted about not placing lands in Mortmain (Legal term - Court of Queen's Bench, Ireland - The Mortain statute prevents land from passing into the possession of the Church without a royal license)
  5. Statutum est hominibus semel mori - It is established that men only die once (Vulgate - Paul - Letter to the Hebrews 9,27)
  6. Stella clavisque Maris Indici - Star and key of the Indian Ocean (Motto of Mauritius Island)
  7. Stella matutina - Morning Star (Ecclesiastical term - Litany of the virgin)
  8. Stellia maris - Star of the sea
  9. Stercorem pro cerebro habes - You have shit for brains
  10. Stercus optimum est volucrium, praeter palustrium et nantium - The best manure is from birds unless they swim or live in marshes (Varro - De Re Rustica, I, 38 )
  11. Stetit illa tremens - That stood trembling (Virgil - Aeneid II, 5)
  12. Stricto sensu - Strictly speaking
  13. Struis insidias lacrimis cum femina plorat - When a woman cries, is setting traps with her tears (Dionysius Cato)
  14. Stulte! Hac nocte animam tuam repetunt a te; quae autem parasti, cuius erunt? - Fool! Tonight they will claim your soul; all those things that you prepared, to whom will they belong (Vulgate - Luke 12:20)
  15. Stulti est in errore manere - It is typical of fools to cling to an error
  16. Stultifera navis - The Ship of Fools (Title of the book written by the German author, Sebastian Brant (1458-1521). It tells the story of a ship full of crazy people sailing to Narragonia, a fool's paradise)
  17. Stultorum infinitus est numerus - The number of fools is infinite (Vulgate - Ecclesiastes, Ciracide 1:15 )
  18. Stultum est timere quod vitare non potes - It is foolish to fear what you cannot avoid
  19. suavi loquens - Soft spoken (Diplomatic term)
  20. Suavi mare magno - The pleasing great sea
  21. Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re - Soft in the forms, hard on the bottom
  22. Sub alis sto - We stand under our wings (Thank you: Kevin )
  23. Sub condicionea - Under the condition
  24. Sub cujus pede fons vivus emanat - Under whose base, flows a live source
  25. Sub hasta - Under the lance (That's where the share on the war spoils)

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