Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3718

  1. Sub iudice - Under judgement (Legal term - Involved in a judicial process and waiting for a sentence)
  2. Sub lege libertas - Freedom under the law (Motto of Portugal)
  3. Sub limen - Below the threshold (University Term - the subliminal is what hides below the threshold of consciousness)
  4. Sub rosae amo te - I love you under the roses (I love you in silence)
  5. Sub secreto - Under secret
  6. Sub silento - Under silence ( Without notice being taken - Thank you: Leon )
  7. Sub umbra alarum tuarum protege me - Under the shadow of your wings, protect me (Vulgate - Psalm 16:7)
  8. Sub umbra floreo - Under the shade I flourish (Motto of Belize)
  9. Sublata causa, tollitur effectus - Removing the cause, removes the effect (Medical term)
  10. Substantia individuatur per seipsam - Primordial substance, individualized by being what it is (Definition of "individual", according to the general doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas)
  11. Succede in arduum - Climb to the hard part (Livy)
  12. Sui Generis - Of its species
  13. Sui iuris - Own rights (Legal Term - Emancipated - Compare with Alieni iuris)
  14. Sum lupi rapantes - I am a raving wolf
  15. Summa Cum Laude - With Greatest Praise (Academic term - Used on degree certificates to indicate exceptional academic standing)
  16. Summa sedes non capit duos - The maximum power cannot be reached by two (Answer by the Roman Senate to the Carthaginian peace embassy, sent along the captive consul Regulus, after the first Punic War )
  17. Summa summarum - In short summary
  18. Summum ius, summa iniuria - Maximum law, maximum injury (Cicero - Excess of law - It is better to have less laws, but fulfill them, but be careful. A law that is applied with excess and rigor can be unfair)
  19. Sunt lacrimae rerum et mentem mortalia tangunt - These are the tears of things, and our mortality cuts to the heart. (Virgil - Aeneid I, 461 )
  20. Sunt Mala Quae Libas - The drinks that you offer are bad (Ecclesiastical term - Motto written on the cross of San Benito Abad - Abbreviated as SMQL)
  21. Suo nomine - Proper name
  22. Suo tempore - In time
  23. Suos cuique mos - Their customs are (Gelacio, Roman Writer 130-180 BC)
  24. Suos Cultores Scientia Coronat - Science crowns those who cultivate it
  25. Superata tellus sidera donat - Overcoming earth the stars are given (Motto of Leeds University Air Squadron - Thank you: Ray March)

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