Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3668

  1. Spectaculorum procedere debet - The show must go on
  2. Spectatores plaudite - Audience clap (Request at the end of a Roma play)
  3. Speculum iustitiae - Mirror of Justice
  4. Spem nemo emit - Nobody buys hope (Terence - You cannot buy it)
  5. Spem reduxit - Hope reborn (Motto of New Brunswick, Canada)
  6. Spemque metumque inter dubiis - Among doubt, there is hope and fear (Vergil)
  7. Spendor sine occasu - Splendour without end (Motto of British Columbia, Canada)
  8. Spera in Deo - Trust in God
  9. Spiritualist excursus - Spiritual practice (Ecclesiastical term)
  10. Spiritus mundi - Universal spirit
  11. Spiritus promptus es, caro autem infirma - The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
  12. Spiritus rediment materiam - The spirit redeems matter (Matter does not make sense without the spirit, was the motto of the Jesuit University of Guadalajara, Mexico until 1998)
  13. Spiritus Ubi Vult Spirat - The Spirit blows where it wills (Motto of the Cayetano Heredia University in Peru)
  14. Sponsa Christi - Bride of Christ (Apostolic Constitution of Pope Pius XII)
  15. Sponte Acta - Spontaneous act (Spontaneous free acts done by the citizens - Bentham)
  16. Sponte sua - By his own impulse
  17. Stabat mater dolorosa iuxta cruxem lacrimosa - The grieving mother stood weeping beside the Cros
  18. Standum est chartae - Must stand by the letter (Legal term - Must adhere to the writte agreement)
  19. Stare decisis, et quaeta non muovere - Hold on to what was decided, do not modify what exists (Legal term)
  20. Stat crux dum volvitur orbis - As the world turns, the Cross remains (Motto of the St. Bruno order)
  21. Stat magni nominis umbra. Qualis frugifero quaercus sublimis in agro - It is no more than a shadow of a great name. As a high tree in the middle of a fertile field (Lucano De Bello Civili I, 135 - referring to Pompey)
  22. Stat rosa pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus - Of the pristine rose, we only have the name (from the novel The Name of the Rose, by Umberto Eco)
  23. Statu hominis - The state of humans (Philosophical term)
  24. Statu quo ante bello - The state before the war
  25. Status - The state (Machiavelli - taken from status reipublicae - the state of the republic, the situation of public affairs)

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