Latin phrases about peace

  1. Ad Pacem - Towards peace
  2. Adsumus custodes pacis - I assume custody of the peace (Motto the Spanish Air Combat Command)
  3. Auferre, rapere, trucidare falsibus nominbus imperium, atque soliditudinem faciunt pacem appellant - They kill, rape and pillage, and they falsely call it "to govern", and where they create a dessert they call it "peace". (Tacitus - Referring to the "Pax Romana" i.e. the destruction of Carthage by Rome)
  4. Defensor pacis - Defender of the peace
  5. Domine Iesu Christe, qui dixisti Apostolis tuis: Pacem relinquo vobis, pacem meam do vobis: ne respicias peccata nostra, sed fidem Ecclesiae tuae, eamque secundum voluntatem tuam pacificare et coadunare digneris. Qui vivis et regnas in saecula saeculorum - O Lord Jesus Christ, you said to your apostles: Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you, look not on our sins, but the faith of your Church, and according to thy word grant us the peace and unity. You who live and reign for ever and ever
  6. Dona Nobis Pacem - Grant us peace (Thank you: Sean Champagne )
  7. Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis - And peace to men of good will on earth (Vulgate, Luke 2, 14 - Used in Christmas cards)
  8. Gloria in altissimis Deo et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis - Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those who have his good will! (Vulgate - Luke 2, 14)
  9. In pace leones, in proelio cervi - Lions in peace, deer in battle (Tertullian, De Corona Militis)
  10. In Tribulatione Pacis - In the Disturbance of Peace (Pope Gregory XV (1621-1623) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - Vague motto that cannot be associated with his name, birthplace or shield)
  11. Iustitia et Pax - Justice and peace
  12. Lux, Pax, Vis - Light, Peace, Force (Motto of the Normal School "Miguel F. Martinez" Centenaria and Benemerita")
  13. Obedientia et Pax - Obedience and Peace (John XXIII’s episcopal motto)
  14. Offerte vobis pacem - Offer the sign of the peace
  15. Opus iustitiae pax - The work of peace is justice (Vulgate - Episcopal & Papal motto of Pope Ven. Pius XII, Rome lore has it that Mons. Pacelli got his motto from here - walking by Santa Maria dell' Anima for countless years and having read these words as he passed. A verse from Isaiah 32: 17. Source: orbis catholicus secundus blog - Thank you: Claire S)
  16. Pacem in terris - Peace on Earth (Ecclesiastical term - Encyclical of Pope John XXIII)
  17. Pax - Peace (Diplomatic term - period of peace and international stability under the influence of a military power)
  18. Pax Christi - The peace of Christ
  19. Pax et Bonum - Peace and all good ( Thank you: Mark )
  20. Pax Orbis - World Peace
  21. Pax Romana - Roman Peace (Legal term - Officially recognized as a long period of peace imposed by the Roman Empire. Consisted of entertaining and satisfying the needs of the people conquered "under the protection of Rome. )
  22. Pax tecum, et cum spiritu tuo - Peace be with you, and with your spirit (Ecclesiastical Term - When you die go in peace - Thank you: Mrs. I.P. Freely)
  23. Pax vobiscum - May peace be with yo
  24. Pax vostrum - Your Peace (Greeting which means that peace be with you)
  25. Procedamus omnes in pace - All move forward in peace (Ecclesiastical term)

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