Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 334

  1. Amicus Actus - Amicable or Friendly - Thank you: Julio Ramirez
  2. Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur - A certain friend is seen in an uncertain matte
  3. Amicus curiae - A friend of the court (Legal term - Advisor in matter of law)
  4. Amicus est tamquam alter idem - A friend is the same for another me
  5. Amicus fidelis protectio fortis; qui autem invenit illum, invenit thesaurum. Amico fideli nulla est comparatio, et non est ponderatio contra bonitatem illius - A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; The one who finds one finds a treasure (Vulgate Sirach /Ecclesiastes 6, 14)
  6. Amicus humani generis - A friend of the human race (A philanthropist - It is also used in a satirical sense to describe people who are friends of the whole world without actually be friends with anyone, for example television personality and political leaders)
  7. Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas - Plato I love, but I love Truth more (Latin translation of Socrates quote)
  8. Amicus protectio fortis - Strong protection by friends (Motto of Cedros school in Mexico City)
  9. Amicus usque ad aras - A friend as far as the altars (A friend whose only higher allegiance is to the Church, only God can separate them)
  10. Amittit merito proprium qui alienum adpetit - He deservedly loses his own property who covets the property of others (Phraedo Book 1, Fable 4 Canis per fluvium carnem ferens)
  11. Amor animi arbitrio sumitur, non ponitur - We choose to love, we do not choose to cease loving (Syrus)
  12. Amor es fortior amitia - Love is stronger than friendship (Friendship can fail but true love fails not - Thank you: DR Goelic Medici )
  13. Amor est vitae essentia - Love is the essence of life
  14. Amor et melle et felle est fecundissimus - Love is rich with both honey and venom (Titus Maccius Plautus - Cislellaria, 68)
  15. Amor, ex quo amicitia es nominata - Love from which takes its name friendship. (Cicero)
  16. Amor omnia vincit - Love Conquers all (Virgil - Eclogues X)
  17. Amor omnibus idem - Love is the same for all (Vergilius)
  18. Amor patriae in radice charitates fundatur - Love for the fatherland is founded in the root of charity (Bartholomew of Lucca, 1227–1327, medieval Italian historian)
  19. Amor platonicus - Platonic love (Related to the Greek philosopher Plato - Purely spiritual, not carnal)
  20. Amor Scientia Que Inserviant Cordi - Love and Science to serve the Heart (Motto of National Institute of Cardiology Ignacio Chavez in Mexico City)
  21. Amor tussique non celatur - Love and cough can not be concealed
  22. Amore dultis exitus – Love darkens success
  23. Amorea mortuus sum - I am dead for love
  24. Amoris irae amoris integratio sunt - The quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love (Terence)
  25. Amoris vulnus idem sanat qui facit - The wound of love, is healed by the same who makes it (Syrus)

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