Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 309

  1. Altiora te ne quaesieris - Do not seek what is beyond your reach (St. Thomas Aquinas)
  2. Altissima quaeque flumina minimo sono labi - The deepest rivers flow with minimum sound (Still waters run deep - The most profound words are not necessarily the loudest ones)
  3. Altius, citius, fortius - Swifter, Higher, Stronger (Olympic Motto)
  4. Altum silentium - Profound silence
  5. Ama Deum et fac quod vis - Love God and do what you want (Augustine)
  6. Ama et quod vis fac - Love and do what you want (St. Augustine - Principle of Christian ethics)
  7. Ama me usque dum dolet. Si dolet signum bonum est - Love until it hurts. If it hurts, it is good
  8. Amabilis insania - Fond illusion (Horace, Odes, III, 5)
  9. Amantes sunt amentes - Lovers are demented
  10. Amantium irae amoris integratio est - The quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love - (Terence - Andria III 6, 556)
  11. Amare et sapere vix deo conceditur - Ever for God is hard to love and be wise (Syrus - Sententiae, 22)
  12. Amat victoria curam - Victory loves the care (Victory favors those who prepare)
  13. Amata bene - Well loved
  14. Amator Crucis - Lover of the Cross (Pope Antipope Felix V (1439-1449) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was called Amadeus, Duke of Savoy. His coat of arms was a cross)
  15. Amen dico vobis quia unus vestrum me traditurus est - Truly I say to you that one of you shall betray me (Vulgate - Matthew 26, 20 - Said by Jesus)
  16. Ames parentem, si aequus est: si aliter, feras - Love your father, if he is just; if he is otherwise, bear with him (Syrus)
  17. Amici, diem perdidi - A Friends, I lost a day (Vespasian)
  18. Amicitia amicorum magnam laetitiam nobis parat - The friendship of the great friends, joy lies ahead (Although it seems redundant, it is not. On the contrary the author wants to draw attention to true friendship)
  19. Amicitia pulchra est - Friendship is beautiful
  20. Amicitia quae desinere potest, vera nunquam fuit - A friendship that can cease, was never a true friendship (St. Jerome)
  21. Amicitia semper prodest, amor aliquando etiam nocet - Friendship always takes advantage, love sometimes fails (Seneca)
  22. Amicitia te cum mihi non est - I do not have friendship with you
  23. Amicitia vera illuminat - Authentic friendship shines
  24. Amicitiae nostrae memoriam spero sempiternam fore - I hope that the memory of our friendship will be everlasting. (Thank you: Cicero)
  25. Amicule, deliciae, num is sum qui mentiar tibi? - Love, sweetheart, would I lie to you

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