Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 359

  1. Amoto quaeramus seria ludo ~ Jokes aside, let us turn to serious matters (Horace - Sermones I, I, 27)
  2. An invidiam posteritatis times? - Is that you fear, the hatred of posterity? (Cicero - Oratio In Catilinam I)
  3. An nescis, mi fili, quantilla sapientia mundus regatur? - Don't you know then, my son, how little wisdom rules the world? (Axel Oxenstierna 1583–1654, Swedish statesman)
  4. An veritas, an nihil - The truth or nothing (Motto of the Philosophy department of the Colima University in Mexico)
  5. Anathema sit - let him/her be anathema (Ecclesiastical term - Anathema is greek for curse, excommunication)
  6. Anaxagoras audita morte filii: "Nihil, inquit, mihi inexspectatum aut novum nuncias Ego enim ellum ex me natum, sciebam esse mortalem" - When Anaxagoras learned of the death of his son: "Nothing new or unexpected you tell me. I knew that he who was born by me was mortal" (Philosopher Anaxagoras)
  7. Anceps imago - Two headed image (Hypocrisy - Man with two faces)
  8. Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae - The angel of the Lord announced to Mary (Ecclesiastical term - Gregorian Chant - Angelus)
  9. Angelus Nemorosus - Angel of the Grove (Pope St. Pius V (1566-1572) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was born in Bosco, Lombardy. Bosco means grove)
  10. Angor Pectoris - Difficulty in breathing (previous to heart attack)
  11. Anguinus Vir - A Snake-like Man (Pope Gregory X (1271-1276) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His family, Visconti, coat of arms had a serpent)
  12. Angusta viarum - The narrow roads
  13. Animale Rurale - Rural Animal (Pope Benedict XIV (1740-1758) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - There is no clear link between Pope and Motto. It is said that he worked as hard as an ox on his writings - Others claim that it is in relation to "donkey", because during the conclave, he said "If you wish to elect a saint, choose Gotti; a statesman, Aldrovandi, a donkey, elect me".)
  14. Animo cupienti nihil satis festinatur - For an impatient spirit nothing is done too quickly
  15. Animo et fortuna parentis terror quod virtum - Courage and luck is related to terror and virtue
  16. Animula vagula blandula Hospes comesque corporis, Quae nunc abibis in loca Pallidula, rigida, nudula, Nec, ut soles, dabis iocos - Little soul, soft, wandering guest and friend of the body, you'll go now pale, hard, bare spots and you will not play, as you usually did (Philosophical Term - these words were spoken by the emperor Hadrian Augustus, expresses the dualism body and soul, at the approach of death, longing for love games)
  17. Animum debes mutare non caelum - You should change your attitude, not your sky (Seneca - Epistulae morales ad Lucilium, XXVIII - You don't make things better, just by moving to another place. You need to change your way of life.)
  18. Animus aequus optimum est aerumnae condimentum - A fair intent is the best seasoning for disaster (Plautus, Rudens)
  19. Animus confidenti - Intention to confess (Legal term)
  20. Animus defendendi - Intention to defend (Legal term)
  21. Animus domini - Intent to be owner (Legal term)
  22. Animus donandi - Intention to make a gift (Legal term)
  23. Animus hominis est inmortalis corpus mortale - The human soul is immortal, the body is mortal (Augustine)
  24. Animus in consulendo liber - Free spirit to decide (Cato the Elder - Motto of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO)
  25. Animus iniuriandi - Intent to injure (Legal term normally written as cum animo iniuriandi)

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