Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2984

  1. Populorum progressio - The development of the people (Encyclical written by Pope Paul VI)
  2. Populum locuto, causa finita - If the people speak, there's nothing more to say
  3. Populus me sibilat at mihi plaudo Ipse domi simul ac nummos contemplar in arca - People hiss at me, but I applaude myself in my own house, and at the same time contemplate the money in my chest (Horace - Satire - on greed)
  4. Porro unum est necessarium - Only one thing is necessary (Vulgate - Said by Jesus Christ)
  5. Porta Scelerata - Criminal door (Historic site of ancient Rome)
  6. Posse Comitatus - Force of the County (Legal Term - Common Law)
  7. Posside sapientiam, quia auro melior est - Possessing wisdom is better than owning gold (Philosophical term)
  8. Possunt quia posse videntur - They can, because they think they can (Virgil)
  9. Post caritas Pestum - After charity plague
  10. Post coitum omne animal triste, nisi gallus qui canta - After intercourse every animal is sad, except the rooster that crows
  11. Post coitum tristitia - After intercourse sadness
  12. Post Data - After the date (Compare with Post Scriptum - Used in correspondence when a comment is added on a different day - abbreviated as PD)
  13. Post festum - After the party (too late)
  14. Post festum, pestum - After the holiday, plague.
  15. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc - After this, therefore as consequence of (Philosophical term used in logic - another version of Cum hoc ergo propter hoc, indicates a fallacy in reasoning, the preceding events could be irrelevant to the supposed effect)
  16. Post hoc ergo propter hoc - After this, therefore because of this (Legal and philosophical term - Fallacy that assumes that if it happened before, it must have caused it)
  17. Post imbren nescitur herba; post postrivium, verba - After the rain the grass grows, after the wine, the words.
  18. Post Meridiem - Past Meridian (Afternoon after 12:00 - abbreviated as PM)
  19. Post mortem - After the death (Autopsy)
  20. Post mortem nihil est - After death there’s nothing
  21. Post mortem nihil, ipsaque mors nihil - After the death nothing, death itself is nothing (Seneca)
  22. Post Nubila Phoebus - After darkness theres light (Motto of the University of Zulia in Venezuela)
  23. Post partum - After delivery
  24. Post pisces nux sit, post carnes caseus adsit - After fish, nuts; After the of meat, cheese (Medical advise to separate these foods)
  25. Post Scriptum - Written after (Compare with Post Data - Used in correspondence when a comment is added later on the same day - abbreviated as PS)

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