Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3009

  1. Post tenebras lux - The light after darkness
  2. Post tenebras spero lucem - I hope there’s light after darkness (Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra - Motto of Don Quixote of the Mancha. In his shield next to a falcon and a lion)
  3. Posteris lumen moriturus edat - After death give light to the future (Motto of Cauca University in Popayan, Colombia)
  4. Postmeridianus - Belonging to past meridian (PM - In the afternoon, after 12:00)
  5. Postmoerium - After the wall (hence "pomerium or pomoerium", which was the border of the holy city of Rome)
  6. Postremus dicas, primus taceas - Postremus dicas, primus taceas - Last to speak, first in silence (Saint Isidore - first be silent, then speak, refers to discretion)
  7. Potes currere sed te occulere non potes - You can run, but not hide
  8. Potestas omnium rerum - Extraordinary powers (Legal term)
  9. Potius mori quam foedari - Die before tarnishing the honor
  10. Prae manibus - The scope of the hand (at hand)
  11. Praeceptores suos adulescens veneratur et suspicit - The young man respected and admired his teachers
  12. Praeclarius est id virtutem assequi - Much more is to achieve this excellent virtue (Motto of the family Bruguera)
  13. Praecursor Siciliae - A Fore-Runner from Sicily (Pope Innocent VIII (1484-1492) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - Was from Sicily and named after John the Baptist, the precursor of Christ)
  14. Praefectus Alae - Commander of the wing (Ala [wing] refers to the use of horsemen on the flanks of an army, who protected the infantry in the center)
  15. Praefectus annonae - Prefect of supplies to the city.
  16. Praefectus castrorum - Prefect of the camp (Senior career official in ancient Rome)
  17. Praefectus praetorio - Prefect of the Praetorian
  18. Praefectus urbis - The prefect of the city (The one who exercised administrative powers in the absence of the king in Ancient Rome)
  19. Praefectus vigilium - Prefect of vigilance (police and fire).)
  20. Praeferre patriam liberis parentes decet - Should prefer freedom more than parents
  21. Praerogativa - Prerogative (Privilege)
  22. Praescriptio longi temporis - Possession by prescriptive right (Legal term)
  23. Praesente cadavere - With this corpse present (Legal term)
  24. Praesidet sacerdos muliebri ornatu, sed deos interpretatione Romana Castorem Pollucemque memorant - A priestess presiding in women's clothes, but in the interpretation of the Romans, they worshiped the gods Castor and Pollux (Cornelius - Germania)
  25. Praesto et presto - Available and ready

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