Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2959

  1. Placet iuxta modum - We like it with modifications (One possibility of voting in a Synod along with "placet" and "non placet")
  2. Platon, Ciceron et sumus Aristoteles quequiderunt in profundo laquo - Plato, Cicero and the great Aristotle Sumo into a deep lake (Philosophical term - Popular song that explains Plato, Cicero and Aristotle fell into oblivion)
  3. Plaudite cives - Clap citizens
  4. Plenitudo potestatis - Supreme power, sovereign (Legal term - Also plena potestas and suprema potestas)
  5. Plenus venter facile de ieiuniis disputat - Full belly easily discusses fasting.
  6. Pluralia tantum - Word that only has plural form
  7. Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate - Plurality should not be run without need. (William of Ockham Franciscan monk and philosopher 1285-1349 AD - equivalent to "multiplicanda entia non sunt sine necessitate")
  8. Plures amicos mensa quam mens concipit - More friends are found at the table set for food than at the table set for reasoning (When times are hard, friends are few - Thank you: Robert Molefhabangwe)
  9. Plus aequo - More than just
  10. Plus minusve - More or less (Legal term)
  11. Plus petitio - Additional amount than requested (Legal term)
  12. Plus potest qui plus valet - Who can do more is stronger (Motto of Valentines)
  13. Plus quam civila bella - Worse than civil war
  14. Plus ratio quam vis - Reason can do more than force.
  15. Plus ultra - Beyond (Motto of Spain)
  16. Podex perfectus es - You are a complete asshole
  17. Poenalitas sed non poena - Retribution is not punishment (Legal term)
  18. Poenam Tantali pati - Suffer Tantalus punishment (Refers to Tantalus, son of Jupiter, and is used to indicate that you can not always get what you want, no matter how close to it you get)
  19. Poenitentia Gloriosa - Glorious Penitence (Pope Alexander VIII (1689-1691) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - There is no association with his coat of arms, name or birth place. Some people say it is because he was named Peter, the apostle who repented after denying Christ)
  20. Poeta nascitur, non fit - The poet is born, is not mad
  21. Politico sine regio - Politician without a region (Found in many Catholic marriage entries)
  22. Pondus meum amor meus; eo feror, quocumque feror - My weight is my love; by that i am drawn wherever i am carried (Philosophical term - Augustine)
  23. Pontifex Maximus - Supreme Pontiff (Ecclesiastical Term - Refers to the Pope - Often abbreviated as P.M. or Pont. Max.)
  24. Popule meus, quid feci tibi? - My people, what have you done?
  25. Populo: Taceant, inquit, quibus Italia noverca, non mater est; et addidit - The people: be keep quiet, I say, Italy was a stepmother, not the mother - (Scipio Aemilianus said that a tribune in Rome in 132 BCE and the people considered it an insult and so began his political decline)

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