Latin Mottos
Starting with phrase number 331

  1. Regnum Hispania gratia plena - Kingdom of Spain, full of grace (Motto of Juan Carlos Valdeverde Sancho)
  2. Religio Depopulata - Unpopulated Religion (Pope Benedict XV (1914-1922) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies There is no association with his coat of arms, name or birth place. Some people say it is because he reigned during War War I and the Russian Revolution)
  3. Roma, caput mundi, regit orbis frena rotundi - Rome, capital of the world, holds the reigns of the world (Motto inscribed in the crown of Diocletian)
  4. Rosa Composita - A Compound Rose (Pope Nicholas III (1277-1280) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His coat of Arm bore a rose)
  5. Rosa Umbriae - The Rose of Umbria (Pope Clement XIII (1758-1769) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - There is no association with his coat of arms, name or birth place)
  6. Salus populi suprema lex est - The health of the people is the supreme law (Motto written in the front of the Ministry of public health building in Asuncion, Paraguay)
  7. Sanctimonia Vincet Semper - Purity Will Always Conquer (Motto of the Malfoy Family, from Harry Potter - Thank you: Allie)
  8. Sapientia aedificavit sibi domun - Wisdom has built a house (Ecclesiastical term - vulgate, Proverbs 9,1 - Motto of several Universities)
  9. Sapientia sola libertas est - Only wisdom is freedom (Academic term - University Motto)
  10. Sapientia veritas nostra - Wisdom is our truth (Academic term - Motto of the University of Bio-Bio in Concepcion, Chile)
  11. Schisma Barcinonicum - A Schismatic From Barcelona (Pope Anti-pope Clement VIII (1423-1429) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was a Canon of Barcelona)
  12. Sciencia et Cultura pro omine - Science and culture at the service of man (Academic term - University Motto)
  13. Scientia et praxis - Science and practice (Motto of the Lima University in Peru)
  14. Scientiam et veritatem et iustitiam doce me - Science and Truth and Justice will teach me (Academic term - Original motto of Lima University, Peru)
  15. Scire ad trascendere - Learn to transcend (Academic term - Motto of Zalapa University in Veracruz, Mexico)
  16. Se lumen proferre - Let the light shine forth (Academic term - Motto of Aguascalientes University in Mexico)
  17. Securitas est futurus - Security is future (Motto of the Air traffic controllers in Paraguay)
  18. Semper Alere Flammam - Always feeding the flame (Motto of prep school #8 of the University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico)
  19. Semper Ascendens - Always Ascending (Motto of State of Nuevo Leon, Mexico)
  20. Semper deinceps - Always forward (Motto of GA-935 JROTC raider team - Thank you: Kendall)
  21. Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful (Marine Corp Motto)
  22. Semper gumby - Always flexible (Motto of the US Air Force - This sentence is a hack, it is evident that "gumby" is not Latin)
  23. Semper Paratus - Always Ready (Motto of the United States Coast Guard - Thank you: E. Oleson)
  24. Semper primus - Always first (Motto of the US Navy)
  25. Serviendo guberno - I govern by serving (Family motto of nobility i.e. O'Rourkes of Ireland - Thank you: Charlie)

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