Latin Mottos Starting with phrase number 306
- Praeclarius est id virtutem assequi - Much more is to achieve this excellent virtue (Motto of the family Bruguera)
- Praecursor Siciliae - A Fore-Runner from Sicily (Pope Innocent VIII (1484-1492) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - Was from Sicily and named after John the Baptist, the precursor of Christ)
- Primus circumdedisti me - First to surround (Motto inscribed on the coat of arms of Juan Sebastian Elcano, who accompanied navigator Ferdinand Magellan in the first voyage around the world - Today is the name of the school-ship of the Spanish Armada)
- Pro amcis suis - For his Friends (Motto of the Bishop of Diocese of St. Petersburg)
- Pro Brasilia Fiant Eximia - Let us do the best for Brazil (Motto of the Coat of arms of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil - Thank you: Decio Frederico Viccino)
- Pro libertate patria gens libera state - The freedom of the Sate makes the freedom of the homeland (Motto of Infants Obanos from Navarra, Spain)
- Pro mundi beneficio - For the benefit of the world (Motto of Panama)
- Pro patria ad deum - For the country to God (Motto of the Fraternity of Saint Thomas Aquinas)
- Pro Patria, Rege ac Fide sanguinem atque divitas - For the fatherland, the King and faith of blood and wealth (Villaverde Family Motto)
- Pro Scientia et Patria - For Science and Country (Motto of the University of la Plata, in Argentina)
- Pulchra leonina - The beautiful lioness (Motto and popular name of the Lion Cathedral in Spain)
- Pusillior sed et fortis - We are few, but strong (Philosophical term - Also motto of an old submersible Spanish Armada)
- Quaere veritatem - Seek the truth (Bentleigh High School in Victoria, Australia, had this motto in the 1960s when I was a student - Thank you: Helen Scott)
- Quaerite adsidue eruditionem - Seek to constantly learn (Motto of University of St Andrews)
- Quaeritur primum regnum Dei - First seek the kingdom of God (Motto Newfoundland, Canada)
- Quam celerrime ad astra - As soon as possible to the stars (Motto of the Chilean Air Force)
- Qui studet optatam cursu contingere metam multa tulit fecitque puer, sudavit et alsit Abstinuit Venere et Baccho - He who wants to achieve his desired career goal, as a child must endure and do a lot of things, sweat a lot, and experience harsh cold, and refrain from Venus (goddess of love) an Bacchus (god of wine) (Horace - Arts Poetica - Motto used by arts students)
- Quia contrivit portas aereas et vectes ferreos confregit - Because (we) crushed the towering city gates and have arrived in armour to destroy ( This is the motto of the St Ferdinand army of Spain and it was adopted by the parish of St Ferdianad in Lucena City Philippines as its masthead in the altar of the church. It speaks of the conquistadores's painstaking effort of subduing the ancient armies of the prehistoric islands. - Thank you: Roger M. Villar )
- Quid ultra faciam? - What else should we do? (Motto of the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain)
- Quis ut Deus? - Who is like God? (Motto of angels led by St. Michael - Abbreviated as Q.S.D)
- Quot Rami Tot Arbores - As many branches, so many trees (Motto of Allahabad University, India (Thank you: A. K. Mehrotra)
- Rastrum in Porta - The Rake at the Door (Pope Innocent XII (1691-1700) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies)
- Recte ad Ardua - Straight to the difficult (Motto of Saint George College in Santiago, Chile)
- Recti cultus pectora roborant - Sound learning strengthens the spirit (Motto of Bishop's University, Québec)
- Recto itinere, quid quaeris amplius - By straight path, what else do you want? (Motto of the Spanish Army Air traffic controller)
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