Latin Mottos
Starting with phrase number 356

  1. Sic itur ad astra - This is the way to the stars (Motto of the Colombian Air Force)
  2. Sic Luceant Opera Tua - Your work continues to shine (Motto of the city of Gandia in Valencia, Spain)
  3. Sic obvia frangit - This overcomes obstacles (Motto of the Spanish Light Armoured Cavalry Regiment #11)
  4. Sic Parvis Magna - From small to greatness (Motto given by Queen Elizabeth to Sir Francis Drake (1540-1596) in 1581 for being the first English person to circumnavigate the world)
  5. Sic semper Tyrannus - Thus always to tyrants (Motto of Virginia State )
  6. Sicut in coelo et in terra - As in heaven and earth (Taken from Our Father - Motto of the Spanish Mobile Forces)
  7. Sigillum Militum Xpisti - The Seal of the Soldiers of Christ (This motto was written in Greek and Latin characters in the Templars' rings)
  8. Signum Ostiense - A Sign of Ostia (Pope Alexander IV (1254-1261) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was Cardinal of Ostia)
  9. Similia Similibus Curantur - Similar cures the similar (Homeopathy motto)
  10. Spem reduxit - Hope reborn (Motto of New Brunswick, Canada)
  11. Spendor sine occasu - Splendour without end (Motto of British Columbia, Canada)
  12. Spiritus rediment materiam - The spirit redeems matter (Matter does not make sense without the spirit, was the motto of the Jesuit University of Guadalajara, Mexico until 1998)
  13. Spiritus Ubi Vult Spirat - The Spirit blows where it wills (Motto of the Cayetano Heredia University in Peru)
  14. Stat crux dum volvitur orbis - As the world turns, the Cross remains (Motto of the St. Bruno order)
  15. Stella clavisque Maris Indici - Star and key of the Indian Ocean (Motto of Mauritius Island)
  16. Sua tela tonanti - Missiles to the one who is Thundering (Motto of the Royal Ordnance Corp)
  17. Sub lege libertas - Freedom under the law (Motto of Portugal)
  18. Sub umbra floreo - Under the shade I flourish (Motto of Belize)
  19. Sunt Mala Quae Libas - The drinks that you offer are bad (Ecclesiastical term - Motto written on the cross of San Benito Abad - Abbreviated as SMQL)
  20. Superata tellus sidera donat - Overcoming earth the stars are given (Motto of Leeds University Air Squadron - Thank you: Ray March)
  21. Sursum Versus - Towards the top (Motto of the Autonomous University of Sinaloa, Mexico)
  22. Sus in Cribo - A Sow in a Sieve (Pope Urban III (1185-1187) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His last name was Crivelli (sieve) and his family Arm of Coat had a pig)
  23. Sustineo alas - I sustain the wing (Motto of aviation mechanics - Thank you: J.T.)
  24. Sydus Olorum - Star of the Swans (Pope Clement IX (1667-1669) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - There is no association with his coat of arms, name or birth place. Some people say it is because the room used during his conclave was call "chamber of swans")
  25. Tantum possumus quantvm scimus - Our power is proportioned to our knowledge (Motto of Nariño University in Pasto, Colombia)

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