Occasio legis - Conditions that generated the law (Legal term)
Omisso medio - What is in the middle is to be omitted (Legal term)
Omnia definitio in iura civilis periculosam est - Every definition in law is dangerous (Legal term - Javolenus)
Onus probandi - The burden of proof (Legal term)
Ope legis - By disposition of the law (Legal term)
Ordinatio judicii - Management of a trial (Legal term)
Pacta legem contractui dant - The pacts give the force of law to the contract (Legal term)
Par conditio creditorum - Equal treatment of creditors (Legal term - in the case of the liquidation of companies in difficulty that are not viable, the system of preferences and exclusions for creditors must be reviewed)
Par in parem non habet impuerium - Peers have no jurisdiction over the other one (Legal term)
Parendo legibus ordo servatur - Obeying the laws order is preserved (Legal term)
Patria potestas - Power of the father (Legal term - is the set of rights that the law recognizes to the parents, while the children are minors or disabled.)
Pax Romana - Roman Peace (Legal term - Officially recognized as a long period of peace imposed by the Roman Empire. Consisted of entertaining and satisfying the needs of the people conquered "under the protection of Rome. )
Peccat in se et alium peccare facit - Sins against himself and causes others to sin (Legal term - Hans-Heinrich - It's about authorship and participation. Indicates that master-mind of a crime should be punished, just like the other person who actually engaged in it)
Per incuriam - Through lack of care (Legal term - Lack of due regard to the law or the facts)
Per obitum - By death (Legal term)
Per saltum - By jumping (Legal term - Without right)
Periculum in mora - Danger in delay (Legal term - the risk that the requested remedy may cause canceling the injunction requested)
Permittiur quod non prohibetur - It is permitted what is not prohibited (Legal term)
Petitio principii - Begs the question (Legal term)
Pignoris Capio - Taking garment (Legal term - Legal action by the creditor to take the debtor's assets to force him to pay the debt)
Pignus conventum - Convention garments (Legal term - Mortgage)
Pignus pignoris - Garment of the garment (Legal term - Security for debt, pledge to pay back)
Plenitudo potestatis - Supreme power, sovereign (Legal term - Also plena potestas and suprema potestas)
Plus minusve - More or less (Legal term)
Plus petitio - Additional amount than requested (Legal term)