Legal Latin Phrases
Starting with phrase number 496

  1. Occasio legis - Conditions that generated the law (Legal term)
  2. Omisso medio - What is in the middle is to be omitted (Legal term)
  3. Omnia definitio in iura civilis periculosam est - Every definition in law is dangerous (Legal term - Javolenus)
  4. Onus probandi - The burden of proof (Legal term)
  5. Ope legis - By disposition of the law (Legal term)
  6. Ordinatio judicii - Management of a trial (Legal term)
  7. Pacta legem contractui dant - The pacts give the force of law to the contract (Legal term)
  8. Par conditio creditorum - Equal treatment of creditors (Legal term - in the case of the liquidation of companies in difficulty that are not viable, the system of preferences and exclusions for creditors must be reviewed)
  9. Par in parem non habet impuerium - Peers have no jurisdiction over the other one (Legal term)
  10. Parendo legibus ordo servatur - Obeying the laws order is preserved (Legal term)
  11. Patria potestas - Power of the father (Legal term - is the set of rights that the law recognizes to the parents, while the children are minors or disabled.)
  12. Pax Romana - Roman Peace (Legal term - Officially recognized as a long period of peace imposed by the Roman Empire. Consisted of entertaining and satisfying the needs of the people conquered "under the protection of Rome. )
  13. Peccat in se et alium peccare facit - Sins against himself and causes others to sin (Legal term - Hans-Heinrich - It's about authorship and participation. Indicates that master-mind of a crime should be punished, just like the other person who actually engaged in it)
  14. Per incuriam - Through lack of care (Legal term - Lack of due regard to the law or the facts)
  15. Per obitum - By death (Legal term)
  16. Per saltum - By jumping (Legal term - Without right)
  17. Periculum in mora - Danger in delay (Legal term - the risk that the requested remedy may cause canceling the injunction requested)
  18. Permittiur quod non prohibetur - It is permitted what is not prohibited (Legal term)
  19. Petitio principii - Begs the question (Legal term)
  20. Pignoris Capio - Taking garment (Legal term - Legal action by the creditor to take the debtor's assets to force him to pay the debt)
  21. Pignus conventum - Convention garments (Legal term - Mortgage)
  22. Pignus pignoris - Garment of the garment (Legal term - Security for debt, pledge to pay back)
  23. Plenitudo potestatis - Supreme power, sovereign (Legal term - Also plena potestas and suprema potestas)
  24. Plus minusve - More or less (Legal term)
  25. Plus petitio - Additional amount than requested (Legal term)

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