Legal Latin Phrases
Starting with phrase number 471

  1. Nemo pro parte testatus pro parte intestatus decedere potest - No one can die having partly made a will and partly not (Legal term)
  2. Nemo tenetur edere contra se - Nobody is forced to go against himself (.. to confess to his injury - Legal term)
  3. Nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare - No one is obligated to incriminate or accuse himself (Legal term)
  4. Nemo vivit in practeritum - Nobody lives in the past tense (Legal term)
  5. Nihil consensui tam contrarium est, quam vis atque metus: quem comprobare contra bonos mores est - There is nothing so contrary to consent as violence and fear, so if a valid consent given, this would be flawed by morality (Legal term - Domitius Ulpianus - Digest, 50, 17, 116 pr -)
  6. Nihil obstat - Nothing prevents (Legal Term - Refers to the authorization to conduct certain acts)
  7. Nomen iuris - Legal name (Legal Term - Principle that says that legal words must reflect reality)
  8. Non bis in idem - Not the same thing twice (Legal term - Principle of double jeopardy - Nobody can be tried twice for the same offense)
  9. Non causa pro causa - No reason for the cause (Legal term - used to argue the lack of basis when claiming a right)
  10. Non in folio sed in capitolio - Not on the sheet, but in the mind (Legal Term - Refers to agreements or contracts, to be interpreted as "not in writing, but to the gods," since "capitol" refers to the place where the Temple or Chruch stood)
  11. Non mutatis libelli - Do not change the libel, immutability of libel (Legal term - once a defamatory statement has been made, it can not be extended, modified or clarified to suit the facts outlined in a claim or defense.)
  12. Non Nominatus - Unnamed (Legal term - unidentified person - Abbreviated as NN)
  13. Non omne quod licet honestum est - Not everything is allowed honored (Legal term - Corpus Iuris Civilis, King Roman - Julius Paulus - 50.17144 Digest)
  14. Non omnibus idem mos est - Not everyone has the same habits (Legal term)
  15. Non potest videre in iudicium venisse id quod post iudicium accidesit - Acts cannot be considered in the trial, if they had occurred after the trial accepted (Legal term - Julius Paulus - Digest 1, 5, 23)
  16. Non sunt indicandae leges - Laws are not to be judged (Legal term)
  17. Non verbis, sed factis stamdum est - We are the facts, not words (Legal Term Requires burden of proof on the person who makes the claim - I Crespo)
  18. Nulla poena sine lege - No punishment without law (Legal term - No one can be punished for an act that occurred before the law that defined the act as a crime)
  19. Nullum crimen nulla poena sine previa lege - No crime, no punishment without a previous law (Legal term - Roman Law)
  20. Nullun tributum sine legis - There is no tax, without law (Legal term - Roman Law -equivalent to “No taxation without representation”)
  21. Nullus videtur dolo facere, qui suo iure utitur - There is no harm, when someone exercises his right (Legal term drawn from various sources, including the jurist Gaius (s.II) 50,17,55 Digest)
  22. Nuptiae sunt coniunctio maris et feminae et consortium omnis vitae, divini et humani iuris communicatio - Marriage is the unity of husband and wife and a consortium of all life, a community of human and divine law (Legal term - Modestino - third century AD Roman jurist - L.1 D.23 ) )
  23. O dulce nomen libertatis, o ius eximium nostrae civitatis - Oh, sweet the name of freedom, our right of eminent civility! (Legal term - Cicero, Roman politician and speaker (106-43 BC) - In Verrem, II)
  24. Obiter dicta - Said in passing (Legal term - A statement that is not binding)
  25. Obligatio est iuris vinculum, quo necessitate adstringimur alicuius solvendae rei secundum nostrae civitatis iuria - Obligation is a legal bond that compels us as of necessity to render something under the laws of our city (Legal term - Justinian -Definition of obligation by Roman law. Concept of civil obligations)

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