Legal Latin Phrases Starting with phrase number 521
- Poenalitas sed non poena - Retribution is not punishment (Legal term)
- Posse Comitatus - Force of the County (Legal Term - Common Law)
- Post hoc ergo propter hoc - After this, therefore because of this (Legal and philosophical term - Fallacy that assumes that if it happened before, it must have caused it)
- Potestas omnium rerum - Extraordinary powers (Legal term)
- Praescriptio longi temporis - Possession by prescriptive right (Legal term)
- Praesente cadavere - With this corpse present (Legal term)
- Praeter legem - Beyond the Law (Legal term)
- Praetus peregrinus - Peregrine praetor (Legal term - Manager of the administration of justice among people of various nationalities)
- Primatus rem, iuris terminum - First thing, the limit of law (Legal Term)
- Prior in tempore, potior in iure - First in time, best in the Law (Legal term)
- Prior tempore, potior iure - The first in time, wins the right (Legal term - First to file - the first to register the property has the right to it)
- Privilegium personale non transit ad heredes - The personal privilege is not transmitted to the heir (Legal term)
- Pro bono publico - For the good of the people (Legal term - when a lawyer takes a case for free)
- Pro domo mea - In my favor (Legal term)
- Pro domo sua - On his own behalf (Legal term)
- Pro homine - On behalf of mankind (Legal term - principle which seeks to protect human rights under the law)
- Pro indiviso - For an undivided party (Legal term - In joint tenancy)
- Pro Se - For Oneself (Legal term - Representing oneself in court without a lawyer or additional legal representation - Thank you: Kofi )
- Pro tribunali - In front of the court or in front of a judge (Legal term)
- Procurator in rem suam - Attorney in his own case (Legal term)
- Propia Persona - For Oneself (Legal term - Representing oneself in court without a lawyer or additional legal representation - Thank you: Kofi )
- Publicum ius est quod ad statum rei romanae spectat; privatum, quod ad singulorum utilitatem - Public law is looks over to the state of the Roman Republic; private, which looks over the good of the individual (Legal term in ancient Rome)
- Quae propter necessitatem recepta sum, non debent in argumentum trahi - What is admitted by necessity must not be take as evidence (Legal Term)
- Quaestio in utramque partem - Both sides of the issue (Legal and Philosophical term)
- Quaestionem in aliquem ferre - Take someone into questioning (Legal Term - Cicero - Instigate legal proceedings against someone)
Total: 648