Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 993

  1. De vita Iulii Agricolae - About the life of Iulius Agricola (Tacitus - Iulius Agricola was his father-in-law)
  2. Debet semper plus esse virium in vectores quam in onere - The one that carries the burden, must always be stronger than the burden (Seneca)
  3. Debitor est - Is debtor (Legal term)
  4. Decemviri stlitibus iudicandis - The ten judges (Set of ten judges in charge to resolve cases in which there were doubts about the Roman citizenship of any person, in ancient Rome)
  5. Decet amicitiam colere (retinere, tueri) - Cultivate friendship (Ciceron - De amicitia)
  6. Decet imperatorem stantem mori - It is advantageous that the emperor die standing (Suetonius, Vespasian, 24)
  7. Decimus humilitatis gradus est si non sit facilis ac promptus in risu, quia scriptum est: stultus in risu exaltat vocem suam - The tenth degree of humility is that the monk is not easy or soon to laugh, because it is written: Only fools raise their voices to laugh (Saint Benedict Rules, Cap. VII)
  8. Decipere est iuris gentium - To be mistaken is everybody's right
  9. Decipimur specie recti - We are deceived by the appearance of right (Horace - Ars poetica)
  10. Defendi rem publicam adulescens; non deseram senex - I defended the republic as a young man; I shall not desert her now that I am old. ( - Thank you: Rich ) )
  11. Defensor pacis - Defender of the peace
  12. Dei Gratia - By the Grace of God (Expresses the divine rights of the monarchy - abbreviated as D.G)
  13. Dei Gratia Regina - By the Grace of God to the Kings (Expresses the divine rights of the monarchy - abbreviated as D.G.R.)
  14. Delenda est Carthago - Carthage must be destroyed (This is how Cato the Elder finalized his speeches - Also with Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam and Praeterea censeo ... )
  15. Delenda est Monarchia! - Monarchy must be destroyed (Part of an incendiary article by Ortega y Gasset in 1931, then famously used by the Republicans during the Spanish Second Republic, 1931 -1939, banned since 1939 here - Thanks Joaquin)
  16. Deliberando saepe perit occasio - In discussion dies opportunity (Too much discussion leads to too little action, which leads to lost of opportunity)
  17. Delirium tremens - Trembling Delirium (The "shakes" that heavy drinkers experience after going "cold turkey")
  18. Denique, caelum - At last, heaven
  19. Dente lupus, cornu taurus petit - The wolf attacks with his fang, the bull with his horn (Horace)
  20. Deo favente - God's favor
  21. Deo gratias - God's thank
  22. Deo ignoto - The Unknown God (Vulgate - Acts 17, 23; Saint Peter found this phrase inscribed in an altar in Athens Greece. He used this to tell the greeks that he will preach to them about a God that is unkown to them)
  23. Deo incognito - God Concealed (Søren Aabye Kierkegaard, Danish Philosopher, 1813-1855)
  24. Deo iuvante - With God's help (Monaco's motto)
  25. Deo Optimo Maximo - For God, the best and greatest (Bernardo Vincelli used it to label his bottles of Benedictine - abbreviated as DOM)

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