Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1018

  1. Deo Patri sit gloria, et Filio qui a mortuis surrexit, ac Paraclito in saeculorum saecula - Glory to God the Father and the son who rose from the dead, and the Comforter Spirit, for ever and ever (Thus ends the ecclesiastical chant "Veni Creator Spiritus" -)
  2. Deo vindice - God our defender - God, our avenger. (Diplomatic term - is the motto of the Confederacy )
  3. Deo volente - God willing
  4. Derectum - Direct (Legal term - Right and Direct)
  5. Descendit ad inferios - Descended towards hell
  6. Desiderio desideravi hoc pascha manducare vobiscum - I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you (Vulgate - Luke 22,16 - Said by Jesus Christ at the last supper)
  7. Destruam et aedificabo - Destroy and build
  8. Detestatio sacrorum - Renouncement of his own sacra (Ecclesiastical term - Renunciation of preexisting religious obligations)
  9. Deum et animam scire cupio; nihil aliud - I want to know God and the soul, nothing more (Augustine)
  10. Deus adest et vocat te? - God is here and is calling you? (Ecclesiastical term - Question asked to Karol Wojtyla (John Paul II) when the vote was conducted in which he was elected pope)
  11. Deus arcum suum tendit - God pulls his bow
  12. Deus aut bestia - God or beast (Man can be a god or beast)
  13. Deus caritas est - God is love (First encyclical letter written by Pope Benedict XVI)
  14. Deus cui hoc est natura quod fecerit - God is like the nature He made (Augustine - Opera Omnia)
  15. Deus dat - God gives (Explanation of the vital spark - Thank you: John Williams)
  16. Deus dedit, Deus abstulit - God Giveth, God Taketh Away (Philosophical term)
  17. Deus est mortali mortalem iuvare - God is a mortal that helps another mortal (Philosophical term)
  18. Deus est qui omnem mundum regit - God is who governs the entire world (Augustine)
  19. Deus et dominus natus - Born god and master (Lucius Domitius Aurelianus [212-275) motto when he proclaimed himself king)
  20. Deus et voluntas mea - God and my will
  21. Deus ex machina - God from the machine (Taken from an old Greek phrase related to the theater. In the last act of a Greek theater a crane, which represents god, appears to explain the play)
  22. Deus in nobis - God among us
  23. Deus, libertas Cultura - God, free Culture (Motto of Carabobo University in Valencia, Venezuela)
  24. Deus, lumen cordis mei et panis oris intus animae meae et virtus maritans mentem meamet sinum cogitationis meae - God, light of my heart and the bread of my mouth deep in soul and the strength that ties my mind and bosom of my thoughts (Ecclesiastical term - St. Augustine Confessionum liber I. Chapter XIII)
  25. Deus me fecit - God made me

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