Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 879

  1. Cum fovet fortuna, cave namque rota rotunda - When fortune favors you, be careful, because the wheel turns
  2. Cum grano salis - With a grain of salt (Pliny the Elder - With caution or incredulity)
  3. Cum hoc ergo propter hoc - With this, therefore because of this (Legal and philosophical term - A fallacy that confuses cause and effect)
  4. Cum in domum alienam veneris, et mutus et surdus esto - When you enter someone else's home, be deaf and dumb
  5. Cum infirmor tunc potens sum - The measure of his weakness increases its strength
  6. Cum inter nonnullos - Like among others (Canonical decree by Pope John XXII published on November 12, 1323 declaring that it was heresy to say that Jesus and his apostles owned nothing)
  7. Cum Laude - With Praise (Academic term - Used on degree certificates to indicate exceptional academic standing)
  8. Cum lupus addiscit psalm desiderat agnos - While a wolf learns Psalms, he wishes for lamb
  9. Cum permissu superiorum - With permission of the superiors
  10. Cum portae appropinquaret,.... portula aperitur - As he approaches the portal, the back door opens (Livy XXV, 9 - Referring to Hannibal at the portal, and the kings soldiers ready to escape)
  11. Cum privilegio - With privileg
  12. Cum quibus - With which
  13. Cum Romae fueritis, romano vivite more - If you go to Rome, Live as romans do ("When in Rome, do as the Romans do")
  14. Cum siderare - With the stars (Consider)
  15. Cum sis mortalis quae sunt mortalia cura - Since you are mortal, attend to perishable things (Cato - Disticha 2)
  16. Cum tacent, clamant! - When they are silent, they shout! (Silence says more than words)
  17. Cum tridui viam processisset - With only three days' way forward (Julius Caesar - De Bello Gallico IV)
  18. Cum virtutis potestas etiam in evacuandi se potestate permaneat - With the virtue of power, even when releasing power, the power remains. (Philosophical term - Hilarius - De Trinitate 1206)
  19. Cum vita brevis sit, nolite tempus perdere - Since life is short, do not waste time (Philosophical term)
  20. Cunne - Cunt
  21. Cupis me esse nequam tamen ero fruti bonae - You wish me worthless, but I will produce good fruit
  22. Cur in amicorum vitiis tam cernis acutum - Why you look so intensely to the faults of my frieds (Horace - Satire, III)
  23. Cura annonae - Administrator of the market
  24. Cura fugit multo diluiturque mero - Worry flees and is dissolved in much wine (Ovid Ars Amatoria I, 237)
  25. Cura ludorum - Administrator of the game

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