Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 854
- Culpa in eligendo - Negligence in choice (decision) (Legal Term - Compare Culpa in vigilando)
- Culpa in faciendo - Guilt by doing (Legal term)
- Culpa in omittendo - Guilt by omission (Legal term)
- Culpa in vigilando - Negligence in vigilance (Legal Term - Compare Culpa in eligendo)
- Culpa lata - Gross negligence (Legal Term - compare with Culpa Levis - Defined in Digest 50, 16, 213)
- Culpa levis - Slight negligence (Legal Term - compare with Culpa Lata)
- Culpa par odium exigit - The offense requires a proportional rejection (Legal term - Seneca)
- Culpa ubi maior est, ibi gravior debet esse poena - The greater the guilt, the more severe the punishment should be. (Legal term)
- Culpa ubi non est, nec poena esse debet - Where there is no guilt, there should be no punishment (Legal term)
- Culpa vacare maximum est solacium - To be relieved of guild is the greatest solace (Legal term)
- Culpam poena premit comes - Punishment presses hard on the heels of the guilty (NSW (New South Wales) Police Force motto in Australia - Thank you: Fiona)
- Cultores sui Deus protegit - God defends those who adore him (Ecclesiastical term)
- Cum amico et familiari sincere semper est agendum - Always proceed with honesty when dealing with friends and family
- Cum amico non certandum aemulatione - Do not compete with friends
- Cum amico omnia amara et dulcia communicata velim - I would like share all sorrows and all pleasures with my friend
- Cum aqua fauces strangulet, quid iam opus est bibere? - When the water reaches the throat, why we must drink more? (Erasmus)
- Cum bene potatur, quae non sunt debita fatur - When one drinks well, he speaks what he shouldn't
- Cum certitudine - With certainty
- Cum cetera vitia senescant in homine, sola avaritia iuvenescit - When all vices aging a man, only greed rejuvenates him (Philosophical term )
- Cum charta cadit, omnis scientia vadit - When the paper falls, all knowledge goes
- Cum defecerint ligna, exstinguetur ignis - When there is no more wood, the fire will stop
- Cum Deus auxilio est, nemo nocere potest - With God's help, no one can harm us
- Cum ditissimus sis te diligere non possum - Although you are very rich, I can not give you attention
- Cum finis est licitus etiam media sunt licita - When the end is legal, the means are legal (Legal and Philosophic term written in 1650 by the Jesuit priest Hermann Busenbaum 1600-1688 - Also known as "The end justifies the means")
- Cum forma dilapsus amor - Love dissipates with beauty
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