Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 675
- Casus Foederis - Reason for the alliance (Diplomatic term)
- Casus fortuitus a mora excusat - Fortuitous events should excuse a party (Legal term)
- Catapultam habeo - I have a catapul
- Causa causae est causa causati - The cause of the cause is the cause of the effect (Legal term)
- Causa causarum miserere mei - Cause of causes have mercy on me (Cicero)
- Causa criminalis non praeiudicat civile - A criminal case predicate the civil case (Legal term)
- Causa iudicata individua est - A judged matter is indivisible (Legal term)
- Causa mortis - Caused by death (Legal term)
- Causa non debiti numeratae pecunia, de errore calculi - Does not owe money, because the value was calculated incorrectly (Legal term - Thank you: Bose Senome)
- Causa petendi - Alleged cause (Legal term)
- Cava solans aegrum testudine amorem - Comforting with his loving zither
- Cave Canem - Beware of the dog
- Cave, cave, Deus videt! - Beware, beware, God sees! (Ecclesiastical term)
- Cave ne ante ullas catapultas ambules - Be careful when walking in front of the catapults
- Cave ne cadas - Beware of falling (Falling from a high social position)
- Caveant consules - Consuls (of the Roman Senate) bewar)
- Caveant consules ne quid detrimenti res publica capiat - Consuls take care that no harm falls to the Republic
- Caveat emptor - Buyer beware (Legal term - Sold as is, no warranty)
- Caveat omnia apocrypha. Et si quando ea non ad dogmatum veritatem, sed ad signorum reverentiam legere voluerit, sciat... multa his admixta vitiosa - Beware of all the apocryphal. And if at any time the truth of them, not for dogmas, but out of respect, he wishes to read, let him know ... a lot of these truths are mixed with with defects
- Cedant arma togae, concedat laurea laudi - Let arms yield to the toga and laurels to laudation (Cicero - De Officiis)
- Celeritas et subtilitas patrio - Speed and subtilty for the Homeland (Motto of la U.E.I. - Special Intervention Unit, Spanish Civil guard)
- Centum - Hundred (A family of hundreds of indo-european languages)
- Centumviri - Board of 100 elders
- Certa Bonum Certamen - Fight the Good Fight (Vulgate - 1st Timothy 6, 12)
- Certe tamquam innocens ducta est - Acted like as if he was innocent (Pliny the Younger - Epistularvum IV)
Total: 4203