Canticum Simeonis - Song to Simon (Clasical song performed by Domenico Puccini)
Cantilenam eandem canis - Singing the same song
Cantus est cum laude Dei - It is a song with praise of God
Capitis deminutio - Lowering of status (Legal term - Civil death: Lose of liberty, citizenship or family ties)
Caput ieiunii - Beginning of the fast (Ecclesiastical term - Ash Wednesday)
Cardinalis in pectore - Cardinal in the breast (Ecclesiastical term - The pope keeps it a secret until he wishes to announce it)
Caritas Christi urget nos - The charity of Christ urges us (Motto of several nun congregations)
Caritate et benevolentia oportet esse, non armis - It should be in affection and kindness, not by arms (Thank you: Christina )
Caritate Patriae - Love for country (Cicero)
Carmina coelo possunt deducere lunam - The magic words can bring the moon from heaven to earth (Virgil)
Carmina non dant panem - Songs do not give bread (Songs will not feed you)
CAro DAta VERmibus - Flesh given to the worms (Some people claim that this is the etymology of cadaver according to Saint Isidore)
Caro putridas es - You're dead meat
Caro roborat, pisces vero sunt parvi alimenti - The meat nourishes, but the fish are really of little food
Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero - Capture the day, put minimum trust on tomorrow (Horace - Odes I, 11 - Seize the day, don't let it go without taking advantage of it - Don't waste the opportunity)
Carpe fatum - Seize your destiny (Thank you: Randy Marker)
Carpe noctem - Seize the night (Academic Term used in Universities to justify Party!!! or late studies. Compare with Carpe Diem)
Carpent tua poma nepotes - Your descendants will pick your fruit (Virgil - Motto of Monteria, Colombia)
Caseus et panis sunt optima fercula sanis - Bread and cheese is the optimum food for healthy people
Caseus ille sanus quem dat avara manus - Cheese is healthy when given with a sparing hand
Castigat ridendo mores - Punish customs through humo
Castigo corpus meum - I punish my body (Ecclesiastical term - A self-punishing practice to cleanse sin)
Casu consulto - Accidentally on purpose
Casus belli - Cause of war (Diplomatic term - Reason to start a war)