Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 629

  1. Caetera desideratum - The rest is wished
  2. Calamitas nulla sola - Misfortune does not come alone
  3. Calamo currente - With a running pen (Without thinking - Excuse for an errata)
  4. Calumniare est falsa crimina intendere - Slander is a false crime charge (Legal term)
  5. Calvus turpis nihil compton - Nothing more despicable than a bald-man who pretends to have hair
  6. Campi partitio - Distribution of land
  7. Campus - Field (Academic term - University grounds)
  8. Candide et constanter - Honest and consistent
  9. Canis Canem Edit - Dog eat dog
  10. Canis domi ferocissimus - The dog in his home is very fierce
  11. Canis et Coluber - Dog and Serpent (Leo XII (1823-1829) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - There is no clear link between Pope and Motto. Some people have associated the dog with the Pope's vigilance and the adder with prudence. Others claim that 'dog' and 'snake' are insults, since this Pope was not liked)
  12. Canis habet oculos, cor cervi - The eyes of a dog, the heart of a deer.
  13. Canis maior - Greater dog (Alpha dog - Name of a constellation)
  14. Canis meus id comedit - My dog ate it (Excuse to what happen to your homework)
  15. Canis Minor - Lesser Dog (Name of a constellation)
  16. Canis timidus vehementius latrat quam mordet - A timid dog barks more fiercely than he bites (Curtis Rufus, De Rebus Gestis Alexandri Magni VII)
  17. Canonicus ex Latere - A Canon From the Lateran (Pope Honorius III (1216-1227) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was canon of from St. John Lateran)
  18. Canta et ambula - Sing and walk
  19. Cantabridgienses - Student of the Cambridge University (Abbreviated as CANTAB)
  20. Cantabrum indoctum iuga ferre nostra - The Cadiz tribe, not used to bearing our yoke (Horace - Odes II, 6)
  21. Canticum - Song (Musical accompaniment, in Roman Theater, to an easily distinguished lyrical vocal part)
  22. Canticum Simeonis - Song to Simon (Clasical song performed by Domenico Puccini)
  23. Cantilenam eandem canis - Singing the same song
  24. Cantus est cum laude Dei - It is a song with praise of God
  25. Capitis deminutio - Lowering of status (Legal term - Civil death: Lose of liberty, citizenship or family ties)

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