Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 604

  1. Bovem eximium Marti immolavit - Sacrificed a magnificent bull to Mar
  2. Bovi clitellas imponere - Saddle an ox (To give an assignment to someone that cannot handle it)
  3. Breve et irreparabile tempus omnibus est vitae - Everyone's lifespan is brief and unalterable
  4. Brevi manu - With short hand (Legal term - Without legal warrant - Ownership by possession - Compare with longa manu)
  5. Brevior saltare cum deformibus mulieribus est vita - Life is too short to dance with ugly women
  6. Brevis esse laboro, obscurus fio - If I labor to become brief, I become obscure
  7. Brevis ipsa vita est, sed malis fit longior - Life is short, but it is made longer by our vices (Syrus)
  8. Brevis oratio et longa manducatio - Short speech and long meal
  9. Bruta fulmina et vana - Thunderbolts that strike blindly and in vain (Pliny the Elder - Naturalis Historia II)
  10. Bussillis - The state of affairs
  11. Caeca invidia est - Envy is blind (Livy)
  12. Caecis hoc clarum est - It is clear, even for the blind
  13. Caecum odium - Hate is blind
  14. Caecus amor prolis - The love for children is blind
  15. Caecus non iudicat de coloribus - The blind don't judge colors
  16. Caeli enarram glorian dei - The heavens proclaim the glory of Go
  17. Caelo tonantem credidimus iovem regnare - When we heard thunder, we though Jupiter reigned (Horace, Odes III)
  18. Caelum mihi lex - Heaven is my law (Inscribed in a sun dial)
  19. Caelum non animun mutant qui trans mare currunt - They who run across the sea change their sky, not their spirit
  20. Caelum stat, terra moveatur - Sky stands, earth moves
  21. Caesar decimae legioni indulgebat - Caesar was lenient with the tenth legion
  22. Caesar misit legatos qui nuntiarent hoc consilium - Caesar sent ambassadors to announce this determination
  23. Caesar, non super grammaticos - Caesar, (you have) no (authority) over the grammarians
  24. Caesar si viveret ad remum dareris - If Caesar were alive, he would have you chained to an oar (Consider carefully your carless words)
  25. Caesarem vehis, Caesarique fortunam - You carry Caesar and Caesar's fortune (Julius Caesar said this words on a stormy voyage across the Adriatic Sea to pirates who had kidnapped him. These pirates would ask for a reward of 20 bars of gold, but Cesar insisted that they charged 50 for him. After Caesar was released, Caesar and his troops captured these pirates and crucified them - It was said to a Captain attempting to bring Caesar (in disguise) back to Italia, in search of Marcus Antonius and the bulk of Caesar's army. Not Pirates... He told them "I will return & crucify you all.." - Thank you: S. Scott Fain

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