Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 509

  1. Aura popularis - Popular breeze (Cicero - Oratio De Harvspicvm Responso)
  2. Aurea aetas - Golden age (Ovid - Metamorphoses I, 89)
  3. Aurea mediocritas - Golden mediocrity (Horace - Odes II, 5 - Person who does not show excess heroism or cowardice, and tries to avoid complications with anything or anyone. It is a wily behavior, rather than engage with political ideologies, social, religious, sports, and so on)
  4. Aures habent et non audient - They have ears and hear not
  5. Auri sacra fames! - Holy lust for gold (Virgil - Aeneid III, 57)
  6. Aurora Musis amica - Dawn is friend of the muses (The early bird gets the warm)
  7. Aurum est potestas - Gold is power
  8. Aurum firmissimas sententias mutat - Gold changes the strongest opinions (Refers to the corrupting power of gold and money)
  9. Ausi sumus uti in hoc loco Danielis exemplo, non ignorantes, quoniam in hebraeo positum non est, sed quoniam in Ecclesiis tenetur - We know that this sample text of the life of Daniel is not in the Hebrew text, but we use it, because it is accepted in the Churches (St. Jerome)
  10. Austria est imperare orbi universo (A.E.I.O.U.) - It is Austria's imperative to rule the world (Motto of Frederick III of Austria, also in German: Alles Endreich ist Osterreich Unterthan - Abbreviated as A.E.I.O.U.)
  11. Aut Caesar aut nihil - Caesar or nothing (Motto of Ceasere Borgia 1476-1507)
  12. Aut concilio, aut ense - By counsel or by the sword (Old motto of Chile, Now it is: "Por la razón o la fuerza" or "By reason or by force")
  13. Aut dedere aut iudicare - Either extradite or prosecute (Legal Term - International law)
  14. Aut insanit homo, aut versus facit - The mad is either insane or he is composing verses (Horace Satirae, II, )
  15. Aut liberi, aut libri - Either children or books (Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) - German philospher)
  16. Aut regem, aut fatuum nasci oportet - One Ought to Be Born a King or a Fool (Seneca - Apocolocyntosis, I, 1)
  17. Aut tace aut loquere meliora silentio - Be quiet, or say something better than silence (Philosophical term)
  18. Aut viam inveniam aut faciam - I will find the way, or I will make one (Philosophical Term - This phrase was said by Anibal when his general told him it was impossible to cross the Alps)
  19. Aut vincere, aut mori - Either conquer or die (Motto of several generals of the Roman empire)
  20. Auxilio ab alto - By help from up high
  21. Auxilium christianorum - Help of Christians (Ecclesiastical Term -Litany of the Virgin - Litany is a series of short petitions and exhortations sung or said by deacon or priest. This is one of the four that advocates Mary, the helper)
  22. Avaritia studium pecuniae habet - Greed has thirst for money (Gaius Sallustius Crispus)
  23. Ave atque vale! - Hello and Goodbye
  24. Ave, Caesar - Hail Caesar
  25. Ave Caesar! Morituri te salutant - Hail Caesar, those who are about to die salute you (Gladiator's Salute)

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