Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 484

  1. At ubi venit plenitudo temporis misit Deus Filium suum factum ex muliere, factum sub lege - But, when the time was fully come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born subject to Law (Vulgate - Galatians 4, 4)
  2. Athenea fuerunt lumen orbis - Athens was the torch's world (Seneca)
  3. Athleta Christi - Champion of Christ
  4. Atila, flagellum Dei, malleus orbis - Attila the Scourge of God, the hammer of the world (This is how the leader of the Huns was known, because of his devastating presence in the West in the V century AD)
  5. Attende Domine, et miserere quia peccavimus tibi - Hear us, O Lord, and have mercy, for we have sinned against Thee (Ecclesiastical term - Gregorian Chant)
  6. Attingere caelum digito - Touch the sky with a finger (Motto of the Technical School of Command, Control and Telecommunications (EMACOT) of the Spanish arm forces)
  7. Auctor Ignotus - Unknown Author (Unattributed)
  8. Auctoritas ad roboranda illa quae in contentionem veniunt, minus idonea iudicatur - The authority of these books is not judged sufficient to support disputed matters (St. Jerome - Prologue to the Book of Judith)
  9. Audaces Fortuna iuvat - Fortune favors the bold (Those who risk, usually win)
  10. Audacter et sincere - Boldly and sincerely
  11. Audax at fidelis - Bold but Faithful (Motto of Queensland, Australia)
  12. Audax et cautus - Bold and cautious
  13. Audax Iapeti genus - 'Bold, the clan of Lapetus (Horace - Odes I)
  14. Aude Sapere - Dare to Know (Motto written on the coat of arms of the Polytechnic Academy Aeronautics Air Force of Chile)
  15. Audemus iura nostra defendere - We dare defend our rights (Motto of the state of Alabama)
  16. Audentis fortuna iuuat - Fortune favors the bold (Virgil - Aeneid X, 284)
  17. Audere est facere - To dare is to do (Motto of Tottenham Hotspur F.C.)
  18. Audi et alteram partem - Let us hear the other side (Legal term)
  19. Audi Iuppiter et tu Iane Quirine dique omnes caelestes vosque terrestres vosque inferni audite - Hear, O Jupiter and you too, Janus-Quirino also, and all the celestial, terrestrial, and infernal gods, hear (Livy Book I - Declaration of war)
  20. Audi, vide, tace, si tu vis vivere - Listen, Look, be silent, if you wish to liv
  21. Audiatur et altera pars - Also listen to the other party
  22. Audibus piis ophensiva - Offense to pious ears
  23. Auferat hora duos eadem - Let the same hour take us both (Ovid - Metamorphoses, VIII)
  24. Auferre, rapere, trucidare falsibus nominbus imperium, atque soliditudinem faciunt pacem appellant - They kill, rape and pillage, and they falsely call it "to govern", and where they create a dessert they call it "peace". (Tacitus - Referring to the "Pax Romana" i.e. the destruction of Carthage by Rome)
  25. Auget largiendo - Increases by giving

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