Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 472

  1. Artes serviunt vitae, sapientia imperat - The arts provide a service to life, wisdom governs it (Philosophical Term - Seneca, Letters to Lucilius, 85, 32)
  2. Artifex vitae, artifex sui - Maker of life, his maker (Artist of life, artist of your own destiny - Start of a poem by Amado Nervo)
  3. Asinum asino et sus su pulcher - The donkey is beautiful to another donkey and the pig is beautiful to another pig.
  4. Asinus asinorum in saecula saeculorum - The jackass of jackasses in the centuries of centuries
  5. Asinus asinum fricat - Jackass rubs jackass (When two people overly praise each other)
  6. Asinus in tegulis - Ass on the housetop (It applies to people of low intelligence in high positions of a hierarchy)
  7. Assem habeas, assem valeas - Have an ace, and you will be worth an ace (You are worth as much as you have)
  8. Assisa panis et cervisiae - Tax on bread and beer (Refers to an English law in the thirteenth century, during the Middle Ages, where this tax was used to regulate the price of these products)
  9. Assumpta Est Maria in caelo Alleluja, Alleluja - Mary is elevated to heaven. Hallelujah, Hallelujah (Assumption of the Virgin Mary - August 15)
  10. Astra inclinant, non necessitant - The stars incline; they do not determine
  11. Astra Inclinant, Sed Non Obligant - The stars incline; they do not force
  12. Asumpsit tuas responsabilitates - Take charge (Philosophical Term - Assume your responsibilities)
  13. At ubi venit plenitudo temporis misit Deus Filium suum factum ex muliere, factum sub lege - But, when the time was fully come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born subject to Law (Vulgate - Galatians 4, 4)
  14. Athenea fuerunt lumen orbis - Athens was the torch's world (Seneca)
  15. Athleta Christi - Champion of Christ
  16. Atila, flagellum Dei, malleus orbis - Attila the Scourge of God, the hammer of the world (This is how the leader of the Huns was known, because of his devastating presence in the West in the V century AD)
  17. Attende Domine, et miserere quia peccavimus tibi - Hear us, O Lord, and have mercy, for we have sinned against Thee (Ecclesiastical term - Gregorian Chant)
  18. Attingere caelum digito - Touch the sky with a finger (Motto of the Technical School of Command, Control and Telecommunications (EMACOT) of the Spanish arm forces)
  19. Auctor Ignotus - Unknown Author (Unattributed)
  20. Auctoritas ad roboranda illa quae in contentionem veniunt, minus idonea iudicatur - The authority of these books is not judged sufficient to support disputed matters (St. Jerome - Prologue to the Book of Judith)
  21. Audaces Fortuna iuvat - Fortune favors the bold (Those who risk, usually win)
  22. Audacter et sincere - Boldly and sincerely
  23. Audax at fidelis - Bold but Faithful (Motto of Queensland, Australia)
  24. Audax et cautus - Bold and cautious
  25. Audax Iapeti genus - 'Bold, the clan of Lapetus (Horace - Odes I)

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