Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 447

  1. Argumentum a minori ad maius - Argument from minor to minor (Legal term)
  2. Argumentum a pari - Argument by similarity (Philosophical term used in logic - Argument from similar propositions)
  3. Argumentum ad antiquitatem - Argument to antiquity (Legal term - Consists of saying that if something is done by tradition, then it is not illegal)
  4. Argumentum ad baculum - Argument by the cane (Legal and Philosophical term - Argument by force or threat)
  5. Argumentum ad consequentiam - Argument to the consequences (Legal and Philosophical term)
  6. Argumentum ad cruneman - Argument to the purse (Legal and Philosophical term - A fallacy that says that something must be true, because the one who asserts it is rich - Compare with argumentum ad lazarum)
  7. Argumentum ad hominen - Argument against the man (Legal and Philosophical term - A fallacy that says that attacks the one who asserts it, instead of looking at the facts )
  8. Argumentum ad ignorantiam - Argument from ignorance (Legal and philosophical term - Fallacy that indicates that something must be true, because there is no proof to the contrary. For example, that there are extraterrestrials, because there is no evidence that proves that they do not exist)
  9. Argumentum ad iuditium - Argument to the justice (Legal term)
  10. Argumentum ad lazarum - Argument to poverty (Legal and Philosophical term - A fallacy that says that something must be true, because the one who makes it is poor - Compare with argumentum ad cruneman)
  11. Argumentum ad logicam - Argument to logic (Philosophical term)
  12. Argumentum ad novitatem - Argument to novelty (Philosophical term - Argument which holds that an idea is correct or better simply because it is more modern)
  13. Argumentum ad populum - Argument to the people (Diplomatic term - Also philosophical term that refers to the fallacy to base the decision based on popularity instead of the premises)
  14. Argumentum ad verecundiam - Argument to respect (Legal term - he said, she said)
  15. Argumentum falsum dilemma - False dilemma argument (Legal and philosophical term - Fallacy where the discussion is reduced to just two options)
  16. Argumentum hominem paleae - Straw Man argument (Legal and philosophical term - Fallacy where it regutes something that the opponent did not say, either by exaggerating or misinterpreting what he said)
  17. Argumentum petitio Principii - Argument of asking for the beginning (Legal and philosophical term - Fallacy in which one person uses the conclusion as one of the premises to prove his conclusion. It is also called "begging the question", "circular argument" and "vicious circle". In Plato's Phaedo, Socrates incurs such fallacy trying to prove that the soul is immortal)
  18. Arma sunt membra militum - Weapons are members of the soldie
  19. Arma virumque cano, Troiae qui primus ab oris Italiam, fato profugus, Laviniaque venit litora - I sing of war and of a man, who first from the shores of Troy, driven by fate, arrived in Italy and on Lavinian shores. (Virgil - Aeneid I)
  20. Arrectis auribus - With ears pricked up (Virgil - Aeneid II - Attentively)
  21. Ars Amandi / Ars amatoria - The Art of Love (Book by Ovid)
  22. Ars gratia artis - Art for the love of art (Motto of the movie studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) written under the lion)
  23. Ars moriendi - The art of dying (Title of two Christian books from around 1415 and 1450, which provide guidance for a good death)
  24. Ars nunquam magis quam in minimo tota est - Art never looks as whole as the minimun (Paul Guldin)
  25. Ars sine scientia nihil est - Art without science is nothing

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