Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 421

  1. Apertio aurium - Opening of the ears (Ecclesiastical term - Rite to be held on Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Lent. Openining of the ears because for the first time heard about sacred texts in St. Peter's Basilica)
  2. Aperto libro - Open book
  3. Appia longarum teritur regina viarum - The queen of great Roman roads (Statius, Silvae, 2:2, in regards to Via Appia)
  4. Apud - By (with, in, near - Used for citations. For example apud Cicero)
  5. Apud iudisem - Near the judgement (Legal term - procedural stage before the judge presented his sentence)
  6. Aqua ardens - Ardent Water (Burning water - Distilled liquor - 60% alcohol - Compare with aqua vitae)
  7. Aqua et igne interdictus - Deprived of fire and water
  8. Aqua vitae - Water of Life (Distilled liquor - 90% alcohol - Compare with aqua ardens)
  9. Aquila non capit muscas - The eagle does not catch flies (Important people trouble themselves with small matters)
  10. Aquila Rapax - Rapacious Eagle (Pope Pius VII (1800-1823) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - Some people relate this motto to Napoleon's emblem, which was an eagle. They said that he was a weak pope, Napoleon's puppet )
  11. Ara Solis - Altar of the sun
  12. Aratrum terrae - Plow of land (Extension of land that can be plowed with just one plow)
  13. Arbiter compromissarius - Arbiter of compromise (Legal Term - A referee who was chosen by the two parties in dispute)
  14. Arbiter elegantiarum - Referee of Elegance (Authority in matters of taste)
  15. Arbiter ex nudo pacto - Arbiter without covenant (Legal term - A referee who was chosen by the two parties of the dispute, but they are not obliged to obey his decision)
  16. Arbiter in causis bonae fidei - Arbiter in good faith (Legal term)
  17. Arbiter in stricti iuris - Arbiter in strict judgment (Legal term - A referee who was assigned to strictly follow the law)
  18. Arbiter iuratus - Sworded arbiter (Legal term - Referee which both parties in dispute swore to obey)
  19. Arbiter nihil extra compromissum facere potest - The arbitrator can do nothing beyond the agreement to arbitrate (Legal Term)
  20. Arbiter sententia iudicum constitutus - Arbiter appointed to settle the sentence (Legal term - Referee assigned by a judge to settle the accounts)
  21. Ardet nec consumitur - Burned but not destroyed (Motto Grimbergen Belgian Abbey Beer - The estate had burned and rebuilt many times since its foundation in 1128)
  22. Arenae semina mandas - Sowing in the sand (Ovid - You are wasting my time)
  23. Argentum accepti, dote imperium vendidi - I have accepted the money and for a dowry sold my freedom. (Plautus, Asinaria)
  24. Argentum Virtus Robur et Studium - Argentine virtue is strength and study (Academic Term - Motto of the University of Buenos Aires)
  25. Argue sapientem et diliget te - Reprove a wise man, and he will love thee (Vulgate - Proverbs 9, 8)

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