Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 396
- Anno Christi - Year of Christ (Same as Anno Domini - Used to count time after the birth of Jesus Christ - Basis of the Western calendar)
- Anno Domini - In the year of Our Lord (Used to count time after the birth of Jesus Christ - Basis of the Western calendar abbreviated as AD)
- Anno Hegirae - Year of the escape (Basis of the Islamic calendar, the year of the flight of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622 - Abbreviated as AH)
- Anno mundi - Year of the world (Basis of the Jewish calendar - Many dates have been calculated, but the most accepted by Jewish scholars is 3761 BC abbreviated as AM)
- Anno Regi - Year of the King (Abbreviated as AR)
- Anno regni - Year of his/her reign
- Anno salutis - In the year of the Salvation (Same as: Common Era, Anno aerae vulgaris, Anno Christi, and Anno Domini - Used to count time after the birth of Jesus Christ - Basis of the Western calendar)
- Anno trecentessimo altero quam condita Roma erat - The year 302 after the founding of Rome (Livy - Book III)
- Annorum vinum, socius vetus et vetus aurum - Old wine, old friend and old gold (The virtue of old age)
- Annuit Coeptis - Gives nod to our endeavor (God approves the work we started - Motto above the all-seeing eye and pyramid in the back of a dollar bill)
- Annum iam tertium et vicesimum regnat - He has now been reigning twenty-three years (Cicero, Orations)
- Annus horribilis - Horrible Year (Compare with Annus mirabilis)
- Annus internationalis Familiae - International year of the Famil
- Annus mirabilis - Extraordinary Year (Compare with Annus horribilis)
- Annus patum refrescurum lacuna est - Refreshment for the duck's ass the lake is ( Thank you: josaba )
- Ante bellum - Before War (Period of increasing tension that leads to a war)
- Ante Christum - Before Christ (To count years before the birth of Jesus Christ - abbreviated as AC )
- Ante diem - Days before (To refer to dates - abbreviated as a.d.)
- Ante lucem - Before daybreak
- Ante Meridiem - Before Meridian (Meridian = noon, midday - Morning, before 12:00 PM Abbreviated as AM)
- Ante mortem - Before Death
- Ante omnia, fratres carissimi, diligatur deus, deinde et proximus, quia ista sunt praecepta principaliter nobis data — Before all else, dearest brothers, let God be loved, and then your neighbor, because these are the chief commandments which have been given to us (Saint Agustine - Rule used by his followers)
- Ante portam latinam - Before the Latin door (Ecclesiastical term - motto of the roman church Johannes ante portam latinam)
- Ante scientia, sapientia - Before knowlege, wisdom (Motto. Knowledge is worth nothing without wisdom. Wisdom is more important than knowledge)
- Ante tempus - Before tim
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