Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 4171

  1. Vivit sub pectore vulnus - The wound resides under the chest
  2. Vocare ad regnum - Calling the kingdom
  3. Vocatus atque non vocatus Deus aderit - Whether called upon or not, God is here ( Whether called upon or not, God is here )
  4. Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit - Whether or not you ask for Him, God is present (Bidden or unbidden, God is everywhere - Thank you: Pádraig Barry)
  5. Vocem meam audi, qui me tangit - My voice hears, whoever touches me. (Motto inscribed in bells)
  6. Volenti non fit iniuria - Acting voluntarily, no harm was done (Legal term)
  7. Volo amare quam pugnare - I prefer to love than to fight
  8. Volo, non valeo - I wish, but I can't
  9. Volo ut rivulos, non statim, in mare eligas entroire - I want you to decide to go to the sea by the streams not directly (St. Thomas Aquinas)
  10. Volo ut Sis - I want it to be you (Love phrase)
  11. Voluntas in mente retenta, voluntas non est - Will retained in the mind is not an expression of will (Legal term - If there is no manifestation that that person was willing something, you cannot say that's what was on his mind)
  12. Voluntas omnia vincit - The will conquers all
  13. Voluntatis populi custos - Trustees of the will of the people (Motto of Paraguay's Electoral Justice)
  14. Volvere vortices - Spinning vortex (Horace)
  15. Vos baptizabit in Spiritu Sancto et igni - He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire (Vulgate - Luke 3, 16)
  16. Vos estis lux mundi - You are the light of the world (Ecclesiastical term)
  17. Vox clamantis in deserto - The of the one crying in the dessert (Vulgate - Matthew 3.31)
  18. Vox faucibus haesit - His voice stayed in his throat (Virgil)
  19. Vox populi, vox Dei - Voice of the people, voice of God (Peter de Blois 1129-1204, who wrote about the Crusades)
  20. Vox Veritatis - The voice of truth (Inscribed in a bell at the University of Monterrey, Mexico)
  21. Vtraque Vnum - In both one (Motto inscribed in Spanish American coins called "columnar" which represented both Europe and America)
  22. Vulgata editio - Edition for the people (Referring to the Bible written in common Latin, the "Vulgate")
  23. Vulgus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur - The masses want to be deceived, so let it be deceived
  24. Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat - They all hurt, the last one kills (Refers the hours that pass by - The last hour is when we die - Motto inscribed in clocks)
  25. Vulnus opem feret - The wound leads to action (Legal term)

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