Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 4146

  1. Visita interiora terrae, rectificando invenies occultam lapidem veram medicine. - Visit the interior of the earth, and adjusting find the hidden stone which is the real medicine (Referring to the philosophical stone - This phrase is often abbreviated as VITRIOLUM)
  2. Vita brevis, Ars longa - Life is short, art is long lasting
  3. Vita est in morte - Life is in death
  4. Vita flumen - Fluid life
  5. Vita mortuorum in memoria vivorum est posita - The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living. (self explanatory)
  6. Vita mutatur non tollitur - Life does not end, it changes (Ecclesiastical Term - appears in the Preface of the Mass for the dead and is a message of hope for the inevitable death)
  7. Vita non est vivere sed valere vita est - Life is not living, but being healthy
  8. Vita regum, quasi texentis - The life of a king is almost like the life of a weaver
  9. Vita via est - Life is a road
  10. Vitae Somno est - Life is a dream
  11. Vitam impendere vero - Life consecrated to the truth (Motto of the National University in Asuncion, Paraguay)
  12. Vitam in tenebris luctuque trahebam - I dragged life in darkness and crying (Virgil)
  13. Vitam regit fortuna, non sapientia - Fortune, not wisdom, governs life (Cicero)
  14. Vitiis nemo sine nascitur - No one is born without faults (Nobody is perfect - Horace)
  15. Vivat et vivas - Live and let live
  16. Vivat sophia mater - To live is the mother of knowledge
  17. Vivere militare est - To live is to fight
  18. Vivere parvo - Living with little
  19. Vivere secundum rationem - Living in accordance to reason (in opposition to your own thoughts)
  20. Vivere secundum te ipsum - Living in accordance to yourself (in opposition to reason)
  21. vivet videbit - The one who lives will see
  22. Vivi ad arma nati - Born mercenaries (That's how Tacitus describes Germans recruits)
  23. Vivis piscibus aqua, mortius vinum - For life fish, water, for dead fish, wine
  24. Vivit - He Lives! (Motto inscribed on the letters of the Protestant reformer Luther)
  25. Vivit et est vitae nescius ipse suae - Man lives in ignorance of his own life. (Philosophical Term - Ovid - Man is not aware of the existence and function of his own life)

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