Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 4118

  1. Vir Religiosus - Religious Man ( Pius VIII (1829-1830) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - There is no credible evidence that this pope was more religious than the others)
  2. Vir sapiens fortis est - The man who is wise is strong (Proverbs 24-5 Vulgata)
  3. Vir sapiens, pauca loquitur - A wise man, speaks little
  4. Vires acquirit eundo - The forces are acquired by marching or She gathers strength as she goes (Virgil - You learn to swim by swimming)
  5. Viri infelicis procul amici - Friends stay away from an unhappy man (Seneca)
  6. Viribus Unitis - United Forces (Name of an Austrian battleship, ceded to Yugoslavia, which was sunk by two torpedoes at the end of WWI)
  7. Viriliter age - Behave as a man (Motto of the Science Institute of Guadalajara, Mexico)
  8. Viris illustribus - Illustrious men
  9. Virtus divina non est alligata sacramentis - The power of God is not bound to the sacraments (St. Thomas Aquinas)
  10. Virtus et vitium contraria sunt - Virtue and vice are opposites
  11. Virtus junxit mors non separabit - Whom virtue unites, death does not separate
  12. Virtus nescit labi - Virtue is not wrong (Juvenal, Satires)
  13. Virtus non est nisi diligere quod diligendum est - Virtue is nothing but loving what ought to be loved. (It is one of the sharpest definitions of christian ethics. It can be found in Augustine´s Epistle 155, c.13,)
  14. Virtus omnia vincit - Virtue conquers all
  15. Virtus semper viret - Virtue always blooms
  16. Virtus sola nemini dono datur - Virtue alone is not given out for free
  17. Virtus unitas fortior - Unity is the strongest virtue (Motto of Andorra)
  18. Virtute majora, utilitate meliora, actu faciliora, numero pauciora - Greater efficiency, more useful, easier administration and reception, fewer in number
  19. Virtutis fortuna comes - Fortune Favours the Brave ( Thank you: Ray Stewart )
  20. Vis comica - Comic force (When the actor is well tuned to the audience)
  21. Vis in rebus - Force on the things
  22. Vis legibus inimica - Violence is the enemy of the law (Legal term)
  23. Vis moralis - Moral force
  24. Vis Physica - Physical force
  25. Vis unita fortior - The strength of the union is the most powerful (Motto of the city of Tralee, Kerry County, Ireland)

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