Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 4093

  1. Videlicet - Namely (Meaning, abbreviated as Viz.)
  2. Video barbam et pallium,philosophum nondum video - I see the beard and cloak, but I do not see the philosopher (A. Gellius upon being presented a philosopher)
  3. Video meliora proboque, deteriora sequor - I see what is better and I approve, but I still follow the worse
  4. Viderut et audierut - Witnesses saw the facts and heard the words (Diplomatic Term - Witnesses at the creation of a diplomatic document)
  5. Vides et ulta stet nive candidum Soracte - See how Mount Soracte stands out white with deep snow. ( Thank you: Malcolm Sealy )
  6. Vidi ego qui durum possit frenare leonem; Vidi qui solus corda domaret: Amor - I saw that is hard to stop a lion; I saw that only one thing can subdue the heart: Love (Philosophical term)
  7. Vidimus stellam - We saw the stars
  8. Vidisne meum patrem? - Have you seen my father?
  9. Vigilantibus, non dormientibus, subveniunt iura - The law protect those who are vigilant, not those who are careless
  10. Vigilavi et factus sum sicut passer solitarius in tecto - All night sleepless, like a lone bird on the roof (Vugate - Psalm 101,8)
  11. Vigile virtute - Vigil force
  12. Vim vi reppelere licet - It is lawful to repel force by force (Roman aphorism, that the jurist Ulpian Domicio attributed to Senator Cassius (85-42 BC) - Digest 43,16,3,9)
  13. Vina bibant homines, animalia cetera fontes - Let men drink wine, and animals, water from the water sources
  14. Vince in bono malum - Overcome evil with good (Motto of the Anahuac University in Cancun, Mexico)
  15. Vincere seis, Hanniba victoria uti nescis - Hannibal, you know how to defeat, but you don't know how to take advantage of your victory (Lieutenant Maharbal, addressing his general Hannibal)
  16. Vincit omnia veritas - Truth conquers all
  17. Vincit qui patitur - The one that perseveres conquers
  18. Vinculum iuris - Vinculum law (Legal term - In civil cases, provides the right to enforce obligations)
  19. Vindica domine causam tuam - Avenge your cause Lord
  20. Vinum et musica laetificant cor - Wine and music make the heart happy
  21. Vinum regum, rex vinorum - The wine of Kings, the king of wines (What king Louis XIV had to say about the the Hungarian wine Tokaji Aszú)
  22. Violenti rapiunt - The violent take it by force
  23. Vir bonus, dicendi peritus - Honest and excellent speaker
  24. Vir fidelis multum laudabitur - A faithful man shall be much praised (Vulgate - Proverbs 28, 20)
  25. Vir prudens non contra ventum mingit - An intelligent man does not pee against the wind

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