Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 4047

  1. Veritas - Truth (Motto of the Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts)
  2. Veritas ante omnia - The truth above all (Motto of the Colombian Academy of History)
  3. Veritas convicii ab iniuria non excusat - The truth of a libel carries no excuse for the damage it brings
  4. Veritas est adequatio rei et intellectus - Truth is the adequacy of the mind with reality (Philosophical Term - how the realist philosophy defines the notion of the term truth)
  5. Veritas est in puteo - The truth lies in the depth
  6. Veritas est realitas - Truth is reality
  7. Veritas filia temporis - Truth is the daughter of time (Motto of the Luis Sarmiento Institute in Oaxaca, Mexico)
  8. Veritas in caritates - Truth in charities (Motto of the Bolivian Catholic University)
  9. Veritas liberabit vos - The truth will set you free (Vulgate - John 8, 32)
  10. Veritas Odit Moras - Truth hates delays
  11. Veritas odium parit - Truth begets hatred (Terence)
  12. Veritas premitur, non oprimitur - Truth can hide, but not make it disappear
  13. Veritas, Probitas, Iustitia - Truth, Honesty, Justice (Motto of the University of Indonesia - Thank you: Allie)
  14. Veritas solet esse amara - The truth is often bitter.
  15. Veritas Victrix - Truth Conquers (Inscription above Science block, Worcester Royal Grammar School)
  16. Veritas Vincit - Truth conquers
  17. Veritate sola nobis imponetur virilis toga - Only the truth will give us the virile toga (Motto of the Las Villas Central University in Cuba)
  18. Veritatis simplex oratio est - The language of truth is simple (Seneca)
  19. Veritatis splendor - The Splendor of Truth (Encyclical of Pope John Paul II)
  20. Versus - Turned around, in opposition (abbreviated as vs.)
  21. Verus amicus est tanquam alter idem - A true friend is like another self (Seen in boxes of Borkum Riff pipe tobacco)
  22. Verus amicus nunquam amici oblisviscitur - A true friend will never forget the old friend (Unconditional loyalty among friends)
  23. Verus amor nullum novit habere modum - True love knows no bounds
  24. Vestigia terrent - Threatening footprints (Horace)
  25. Vestis virum facit - The clothes make the man (Erasmus)

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