Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 4022

  1. Venite ad me, et ego dabo vobis omnia bona - Come with me and I will give you all the goods (Ecclesiastical term)
  2. Venter non habet aures - The belly has no ears (If you are starving, you don't listen to sermons - Ovid - Metamorphosis )
  3. Ventis secundis, tene cursum - The favorable wind stays on course
  4. Venus ventus temerarus - Venus favors the bold (Ovid)
  5. Verae amicitiae difficillime reperiuntur in iis, qui in honoribus reque publica versantur; ubi enim istum invenias, qui honorem amici anteponat suo? - The authentic friendships can hardly be among those who are in public office and in politics; for where could you find someone who would prefer the political advancement of his friend to his own? (Cicero - De Amicitia, 64)
  6. Verae amicitiae sempiternae sunt - True friendships are eternal
  7. Veram amicitiam in adversa fortuna videbamus - We'll see true friendship in times of bad luck
  8. Verba de futuro - Words about the future
  9. Verba inter homines obtinuerunt principatum significandi - Men express their thoughts and intentions primarily through words (St. Augustine)
  10. Verba ligant homines, taurorum cornua funes - The words connect to humans, like ropes on the horns of bulls
  11. Verba movent exempla trahunt - The words move, examples drag
  12. Verba refers aures non pervenientia nostras - You mean words that do not reach our ears (Ovid - Metamorphoses Book III, 462)
  13. Verba sun intelligenda non secundum quod sonant, sed secundum mentem proferentis - Words should be understood as in the mind of who says them, not as they sound)
  14. Verba utilia - Useful words (Like in an advise)
  15. Verba volant, scripta manent exampla trahunt - Words fly, writings remain (Words disappear, books remain - verbal contracts are as good as the paper they are written in)
  16. Verbera plura ferunt, quam quos iuvat usus arati, detractant prensi dum iuga prima boves - Rebel oxen, oppressed by the hardness of the yoke, are punished much harder than those who bear the weight of the plow. (Ovid - Amores)
  17. Verbi gratia - In virtue of the word (Grammatical term - For example, similar to exempli gratia. Often abbreviated as
  18. Verbisque meis fides sit - Let there be faith in my words (Livy)
  19. Verbum Dei manet in aeternum - The Word of God lasts eternally ( Thank you: Eric Rachut )
  20. Verbum Dimisum - Lost or abandoned word
  21. Verbum sat sapienti - For the wise, the word is enough (For a good listener, just a few words are necessary to explain something)
  22. Verbum Vincet - The word will conquer (Motto of the US Army 4th Psychological Operations Group)
  23. Vere vivere est factus vivendi bona vita temporalis ad aeternam - To live well is in fact to live a good life temporarily and towards eternity ( Thank you: Dr Attn Riviere J. Goel )
  24. Veri amici non prava exempla, sed bona consilia dant - Good friends do not give bad example, but good advice
  25. Verita et scientia - Truth and science (Motto of the Catholic University in the Dominican Republic)

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