Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3896

  1. Ubi verba non sunt ambigua, non est locus interpretationibus - Where words are unambiguous, there is no room for interpretations (Legal term - from the book "The ABC of Law" by David Efrain Misari Torpoco)
  2. Ul litigatores pro patrociniis certam iustamque mercedem dare - The litigants pay the sponsors a certain just price (Suetonius, a Roman historian (70-160) wrote about Nero - In those days, it was forbidden pay the lawyers, who were supposed to advise on the name of friendship. Emperor Nero enforced a compulsory pay )
  3. Ultima hominis felicitas est in contemplatione veritatis - The greatest happiness of man is found in the contemplation of truth (St. Thomas Aquinas)
  4. Ultima ratio - Last Reason (Last argument)
  5. Ultima ratio regum - The last reason of the king (Inscribed in the cannons of French King Louis XIV)
  6. Ultimum Romanus meretur bene - The last Roman deserves good
  7. Ultra petita - Beyond what was asked (Beyond duty)
  8. Ultra posse nemo obligatur - Nobody is forced to do the impossible (Legal Term - Ulpian - The obligations do not extend beyond the capabilities)
  9. Ultra vires - Beyond their power (Legal term - Refers to acts of governing bodies that exceed their mandate)
  10. Ultra vires hereditatis - Obligation beyond hereditary (Legal term - the inheritor has direct and unlimited liability for the liabilities of the deceased)
  11. Ultreia et Suseia, Deus adiuva nos!! - We'll go further and higher! God help us! (Greeting between pilgrims of the Camino de Santigo in Spain. Normally one greets with a "Ultreia" to which the other replies "Et Suseia")
  12. Una atque eadem - One and the same
  13. Una salus victis, nullam sperare salutem - The only hope for the vanquished is not to hope any salvation (virgil - Aeneid - They should only expect that they will not be saved)
  14. Una vanus vivendis varia fin - A vain life changes at the end
  15. Unanimi sumus - A single soul we are (Love phrase)
  16. Undatim Intextu Nodat - Weave networks using waves (Motto of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia)
  17. Unde per caritatem homo in Deo ponitur et cum eo unum efficitur - Wherefore by charity man abides in God and becomes one with him (Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica)
  18. Undosus Vir - Man of the Surging Waves (Motto of Pope Leo XI (1605), according to St. Malachy prophecies - There is no association with his coat of arms, name or birth place. Some people say it is because his papacy was very short)
  19. Unguentum fateor, bonum dedisti convivis here, sed nihil scidisti - Good perfume you gave yesterday to your guest, but you did not serve anything (Martial 3,12)
  20. Unguentum fuerat quod onyx modo parva gerebat: olfecit postquan papilus, ecce, garum est - The he carried a small onyx bottle with a fragrant ointment: after Papilo sniffed it, he said "Behold, that is 'garum' " (Martial 7,94 - Garum is a fish sauce that smells very bad)
  21. Unguibus et rostro - With teeth and nails
  22. Unguis et rostrum - With nails and peak (To defend something using all the weapons available)
  23. Unis Equious - One horse
  24. Universi pacem precibus exposcunt - They all asked for peace with their prayers (Livy 1,16)
  25. Universitas Lucentina. Iter facite eius quae ascendit super occasum - University Lucentina. Paves the way to those who ascend from the west (Motto on the coat of the University of Alicante - was taken from the Vulgate, book of Psalms, fifth verse of Psalm 67)

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