Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3871

  1. Ubi bene, ibi patria - Where you are well, that is your country
  2. Ubi caritas et amor Ibi deus est - Where there is charity and love, there is God (Gregorian chant and Motto of pilgrims)
  3. Ubi caritas gaudet ibi est festivitas - Where there is charity, there is a feast of joy (Ecclesiastical term - St. John Chrysostom)
  4. Ubi charitas et amor, Deus ibi est - Where charity and love, there is God (Antiphon ad Mandatum, Holy Thursday)
  5. Ubi dixisti statis ibi peristi - You perished when you said enough
  6. Ubi dubium ibi libertas - Where there is doubt, there is freedom
  7. Ubi eadem ratio, idem ius - For the same reason, the same law (Legal term)
  8. Ubi est thesaurus tuus,ibi est cor tuum - Where your treasure is, there is your heart
  9. Ubi fumus, ibi ignis - Where there's smoke, there was fire
  10. Ubi homo, ibi societas; ubi societas, ibi Ius; ergo, ubi homo, ibi Ius - Where there was man, there was society, where there was society there was law (Legal term - indicates that rule of law is an integral part of mankind)
  11. Ubi labor, ibi virtus - Where there is work, there is virtue (Work redeems the soul and brings you closer to God)
  12. Ubi lex non distinguit, nec nos distinguere debemus - Where the law does not distinguish, we should not distinguish (Legal term - Laws must be applied as written)
  13. Ubi lex voluit, dixit; ubi non voluit, tacuit - When the law wanted it, it talked, when the did not want it, it remained silent (Legal term)
  14. Ubi libertas, ibi patria - Where there is freedom, there is my homeland
  15. Ubi maior minor cessat - Where there is a greater (authority), the lower stops (Legal term - A higher court overwrites a lower one)
  16. Ubi mel, ibi apea - Where there is honey, there are bees
  17. Ubi mors ibi spes - Where there is death, there is hope (Motto in a Falange Flag during the Spanish Civil War)
  18. Ubi prava Stultitia, hic summa insania est - Where dwells intentional and depraved stupidity, there is maximum madness
  19. Ubi pus, ibi evacua - Where there is pus, it must be drained (Medical term)
  20. Ubi servitutem faciunt, pacem appellant - Where they encourage servitude, they call that peace
  21. Ubi societas ibi ius - Where there is society, there is law
  22. Ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem apellant - They create desolation and call it peace (Tacitus - Pax Romana i.e. the destruction of Carthage by Rome)
  23. Ubi sunt? - Where are they? (Famous people, not in obscurity or dead)
  24. Ubi sunt quoque tuum sensibus - Where are also your feelings?
  25. Ubi tu Gaius, ego Gaia - Where you are Gaius, I shall be Gaia (Phrase spoken by the bride in Roman wedding ceremonies. The groom responds with Ubi tu Gaia, ego Gaius)

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