Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3618

  1. Signum sacrosanctum efficax gratiae - A sacrosanct sign producing grace (A short and succinct definition of sacrament)
  2. Silent enim leges inter arma - Laws are silent in times of war (Cicero)
  3. Simile illi diliges proximum tuum tamquam te ipsum - Love your neighbor as yourself (Vulgate - Matthew 5: 39 - Said by Jesus Christ)
  4. Similia Similibus Curantur - Similar cures the similar (Homeopathy motto)
  5. Sine actione agis - No action to sue (Legal term)
  6. Sine amicitia, vita esse nullam - Life is nothing without friends (Cicero)
  7. Sine anno - Without year (Original publication date is unknown)
  8. Sine causa - Without cause
  9. Sine Cerere et Libero friget Venus - Without Ceres and Bacchus, Venus is cold (Ceres godess of agriculture and beer, Bacchus, god of wine, Venus, godess of love)
  10. Sine Cure - Without Care
  11. Sine die - Without day (indefinitely)
  12. Sine doctrina vita est quasi mortis imago - Without a doctrine, life is like the image of death (Philosophical term)
  13. Sine ipse factum est nihil - Without him nothing gets done
  14. Sine ira et studio - Without animosity and without favoritism (Publius Cornelius Tacitus - Annals 1.1 - Without anger or passion - Tacitus wanted to write about the reign of Augustus and Tiberius impartially, because their deeds happened a long time ago)
  15. Sine loco et anno - Without place or date (Unknown works)
  16. Sine nobilitate - Without nobility (Some people say that that is were the term "snob" comes from, in reference of Oxford University students who lacked noble origin)
  17. Sine pecunia - Without money
  18. Sine qua non - Without which (Indispensable, necessary)
  19. Sine sole sileo - Sunless I keep silent (Legend on a sundial)
  20. Sinite parvulos venire ad me - Let the children come to me (Vulgate - Mark 10, 15 - Said by Jesus Christ)
  21. Sint Unum - Be one (with God - Ecclesiastical term)
  22. Siquis in hoc artem populo non novit amandi - If there be anyone among you who does know of the art of loving (Ovid - Book 1, verse 1 of the Art of Loving)
  23. Sistant omnes - Emerge all (Ceremonial term)
  24. Sit divus dum non sit vivus - Let it be God, so as not to be alive (Said by Caracalla to his brother Geta, when Geta ordered his death)
  25. Sit Tibi Terra Levis - Let the earth rest lightly on you (Used in epitaphs, abbreviated as STTL)

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