Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3593

  1. Sic Luceat Lux Vestra - Let your light shine (Vulgate - Matthew 5: 15 - Said by Jesus Christ)
  2. Sic obvia frangit - This overcomes obstacles (Motto of the Spanish Light Armoured Cavalry Regiment #11)
  3. Sic Parvis Magna - From small to greatness (Motto given by Queen Elizabeth to Sir Francis Drake (1540-1596) in 1581 for being the first English person to circumnavigate the world)
  4. Sic semper Tyrannus - Thus always to tyrants (Motto of Virginia State )
  5. Sic sum, si placeo utere - That is the way I am, if you like it, use me (Terence - Phormio)
  6. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi - Thus passes the glory of the world (a reminder phrase of the transitory nature of life. Used in papal coronation ceremonies between 1409-1963 )
  7. Sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas - Use what's yours without harming others (Legal and diplomatic term - Used in international law to specify that countries are free to use their own natural resources, as long as they do not compromise the resources of neighboring countries)
  8. Sic volo, sic iubeo - This way I want it, so this way I order it (Juvenal)
  9. Sic vos, non vobis - For you, not by you (Refers to trying to take credit for someone else's work)
  10. Sicut bonum creatum est quaedam similitudo et participatio boni increati, ita adeptio boni creati est quaedam similitudinaria beatitudo - As well created has a certain similarity to the well uncreated, so the achievement of the well created is a certain happiness of this likeness (St. Thomas Aquinas)
  11. Sicut cervus ad fontes - As deer to the water fountain
  12. Sicut cervus desiderat ad fontes aquarum, ita desiderat anima mea ad te Deus - As the deer long for the springs of water, so my soul longs for you, oh God (Vulgate - Psalm 42:2)
  13. Sicut edas ut semper exurias - Eat as if you are always hungry (Sign in a convent)
  14. Sicut enim maius est illuminare quam lucere solum, ita maius est contemplata aliis tradere quam solum contemplari - The same way that it is better to illuminate something, than just reflect it, so it is better convey to others what you have seen, than just contemplate it (St. Thomas Aquinas)
  15. Sicut ergo Iudith et Tobi et Machabaeorum libros legit quidem Ecclesia, sed inter canonicas scripturas non recipit: sic et haec duo volumina (Eclo y Sab) legat ad aedificationem plebis, non ad auctoritatem ec­clesiaticorum dogmatum confirmandam - And just as the Church certainly reads the books of Judith, Tobias and Maccabees, but does not get in the canonical Scriptures, just these two (Ecclesiastic and Wisdom), the Church reads for the edification of the faithful, but not to confirm the authority of ecclesiastical dogmas (St. Jerome)
  16. Sicut in coelo et in terra - As in heaven and earth (Taken from Our Father - Motto of the Spanish Mobile Forces)
  17. Sicut vita, finis ita - The way life is, death will be
  18. Sidus olorum - The star of the swans (Apparently refers to Pope Clement IX, who was born near stellata (stella = "star") river and the conclave, that elected him, occupied the "House of Swans" chamber in the Vatican)
  19. Sigillum Militum Xpisti - The Seal of the Soldiers of Christ (This motto was written in Greek and Latin characters in the Templars' rings)
  20. Signum configurativum - Configurative sign (Represents the authority of the individual, the person is "configured" to carry on a specific task)
  21. Signum dispositivum - Dispositive sign (Ecclesiastical term - person is disposed to share in the divine nature)
  22. Signum distinctivum - Distinctive sign (Denotes a sense of belonging)
  23. Signum obligativum - Obligative sign (Person has an obligation)
  24. Signum Ostiense - A Sign of Ostia (Pope Alexander IV (1254-1261) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was Cardinal of Ostia)
  25. Signum rei sacrae in quantum est sanctificans homines - The sign of something sacred in that it sanctifies man (Definition of "sacrament" by St. Thomas Aquinas)

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