Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3571

  1. Si nihil te litterae adiuvarent numpuam ad philosophiam te contulisses - If you had not always been devoted to literature, you would never have arrived at love for philosophy
  2. Si parva licet componere magnis - It's illicit to compare small things with the great
  3. Si pericula sunt vera, infortunatus es - If the dangers are true, you are unfortunate.
  4. Si post fata venit gloria non propero - If glory comes after death, I am not in a hurry
  5. Si qua voles apte nubere, nube pari - If you wish to marry well, marry an equal (Ovid - the Art of Love)
  6. Si Quaeris Peninsulam Amoenam Circumspice - If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you. ( Thank you: Spydre Rogue )
  7. Si quis hoc dicit errat - Whoever says this is wrong
  8. Si quis veritatem dicit - If someone tells the truth
  9. Si sapientia Deus est, verus philosophus est amator Dei - If wisdom is God, then the true philosopher is a lover of God (Philosophical Term - St. Augustine)
  10. Si usque edita victus sapientia et lingua deus no praetendiese - Even the defeated aim to elevate their wisdom and words
  11. Si velim omnia proelia Hannibalis describere dies me deficiat - If I were to describe all the battles of Hannibal, the days will fail me (I would not have time to do that)
  12. Si vis amari ama - I you want to be loved, love (Ecclesiastical term - St. Augustine)
  13. Si vis, amaris ama - If you wish to be loved, love (This is often attributed to the Roman philosopher Seneca, found in the sixth of his letters to Lucilius. - Thank you: Han)
  14. Si vis pacem para bellum - If you want peace prepare for war (The display of military might discourages war - Thank you: Joe Pappalardo - Phrase originally used by the German Empire. It was shortened to "Parabellum" and referred to 9mm ammunition used during WWI. Modern 9mm bullets still retain the "Parabellum" designation - Thank you: E.S.)
  15. Si vis scire doce - If you want to learn, teach (When you try to make someone else understand something, you test how much you really know)
  16. Si vis vacare animo, aut pauper sis oportet, aut pauperi similis - If you want to grow your spirit, it is convenient to be poor, or at least look like you are (Seneca)
  17. Sibi non cavere et aliis consilium dare stultum esse - To give advise to others, and not take care of yourself, is typical of fools (Phaedrus 1,9,1)
  18. Sic - Yes (Grammatical Term - Yes, it is written that way, when copying a text that has an error)
  19. Sic ego nec sine te nec tecum vivere possum - So neither with you nor without I can live (Women, can't live with them, can't live without them - Ovid - Amores)
  20. Sic faciunt omnes - Everybody does this
  21. Sic itur ad astra - This is the way to the stars (Motto of the Colombian Air Force)
  22. Sic Luceant Opera Tua - Your work continues to shine (Motto of the city of Gandia in Valencia, Spain)
  23. Sic Luceat Lux Vestra - Let your light shine (Vulgate - Matthew 5: 15 - Said by Jesus Christ)
  24. Sic obvia frangit - This overcomes obstacles (Motto of the Spanish Light Armoured Cavalry Regiment #11)
  25. Sic Parvis Magna - From small to greatness (Motto given by Queen Elizabeth to Sir Francis Drake (1540-1596) in 1581 for being the first English person to circumnavigate the world)

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