Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3546

  1. Sero sed serio - Late, but in earnest (When you show up late to the battle, but have a decisive effect)
  2. Sero te amavi, pulchritudo tam antiqua et tam nova - Too late have I loved you, beauty so ancient and so new (St. Augustine - Alluding to his late conversion to Christianity)
  3. Serva me, servabo te - Save me, save you (Philosophical term, also love phrase - Petronius)
  4. Serva ordinem et ordo servabit te - Save the order and the order will keep you
  5. Servam civitatem habere - Having the city under servitude
  6. Servatis servandis - Preserve preserving (Applied to exposed examples)
  7. Serviendo guberno - I govern by serving (Family motto of nobility i.e. O'Rourkes of Ireland - Thank you: Charlie)
  8. Servis servorum Dei - Servant of God's servants (A tittle of the Pope)
  9. Servum pecum - Servant herd
  10. Servus copiditatum - Slave of pations
  11. Servus humillimus, domine spectabilis - Your most humble servant
  12. Sesquipedalia verba - Long words
  13. Sexta hora - The sixth hour (In the middle of the day, time for siesta)
  14. Si amicus meus adesset auxilio non egerem - If my friend was here, I would not need help
  15. Si bene commemini, causae sunt quinque bibendi: hospitis adventus, praecens sitis, atque futura, aut vini bonitas, aut quaelibet altera causa - If I remember correctly, there are five reasons for drinking: the arrival of a friend, the thirst of the moment, or the future, the goodness of wine or anything else (Epigram praising the virtues of wine regardless of the circumstance)
  16. Si comprehendis non est Deus - If you understand it, then it is not God
  17. Si comprehendis non est Deus - If you understand it, then it is not God. (Thank you: George Shiels)
  18. Si esurierit inimicus tuus ciba illum et si sitierit da ei aquam bibere - If your enemy is hungry, feed him; and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink (vulgate - Proverbs 25, 21)
  19. Si fallor sum - If I am wrong (St. Augustine)
  20. Si fractum non sit, noli id reficere - If it ain't broke, don't fix it
  21. Si hoc feceris gratiam habebo si non feceris ignoscam - If you do this, I will appreciate it. If you don't do it, I will forgive you
  22. Si is, cum quo lege Aquilia agitur, confessus est servum occidisse, licet non occiderit, si tamen occisus sit homo, ex confesso tenetur - If one confesses of kiling a slave, he must be condemmed if the slave is killed, or if he dies of natural causes (Legal term - Julius Paulus Digest 42,2,4)
  23. Si laboras tibi laboras si seris tibi metis - If you work, you work for yourself. If you sow, the crop is yours
  24. Si metrum non habet non est poema - If there is no rhyme, there is no poem
  25. Si monumentum requiris circumspice - If you seek a monument, look around you

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