Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3496

  1. Scire tuum nihil est, nisi te scire hoc sciat alter - Your knowledge is nothing, if nobody knows you have it
  2. Scitis quid fecerim vobis, ego Dominus, et magister? Exemplum dedi vobis, ut et vos ita faciatis - Know what I your Lord and Master have done to you? I have given you an example, that you also may do the same (Vulgate - John 13 : 12,13)
  3. Scriptum est - It's written
  4. Scriptum ius est lex, plebis scita, senatus consulta, principum placita, magistratuum edicta, responsa prudentium - Written law is the law, of the people, an object of science, decrees of the senate, of the rulers of what is acceptable: the edicts of magistrates, the responses of their prudent men (Legal Term - Iustinanus, Institu 1,2,3)
  5. Se defendendo - In self defence (An act considered to be legally justifiable due to having been done in the act of defending oneself or others.)
  6. Se lumen proferre - Let the light shine forth (Academic term - Motto of Aguascalientes University in Mexico)
  7. Secundum arte - According to art
  8. Secundum legem - According to the law
  9. Secundum modum suae conditionis - According to the measure its conditions
  10. Secundum modum suae perfectionis - According to the measure its perfection (St. Thomas Aquinas)
  11. Secundum quid et simpliciter - It is secondary and it simplifies (Legal and philosophical term - Fallacy that takes a small part to represent the whole).
  12. Securitas est futurus - Security is future (Motto of the Air traffic controllers in Paraguay)
  13. Sed cum ambo iudicium provocat, sorte res discerni solet - However, when both initiated the trial, usually fate decides (Legal term - Dominitius Ulpian Digest 5,1,14)
  14. Sed fugit interea, fugit irreparabile tempus - For while escapes, time irreparably flees
  15. Sed naturalia quidem iura, quae apud omnes gentes peraeque servantur, divina quaedam providentia constituta semper firma atque inmutabilia permanent - For the natural law, which is observed similarly by all people and is established by some divine providence is always firm and immutable (Legal term - Justiniano Instituta 1,2,3)
  16. Sed non casta tamen cauta - Since not virtuous, at least concealed (or "if not chaste, at least cautious", similar to "Caesar's wife must not only be good, but appear to be")
  17. Sed nos immensum spatiis confecimus aequor, et iam tempus equum fumantia solvere colla - But now I have traveled a very long way, and now the time has come to unyoke my steaming horses. (Virgil - Georgics II - Time to rest after a great effort)
  18. Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes? - But who will guard the guards? (Juvenal, Satire VI)
  19. Sedeant - Sit down (Ecclesiastical and ceremonial term)
  20. Sedendo et quiescendo anima efficitur sapiens - Sitting and quiet, the mind is filled with wisdom
  21. Sedente animo - Calm mood
  22. Sedes non moritur - The seat does not die (Ecclesiastical term - The power of the seat (throne) is transmitted to the next person)
  23. Semel heres, semper heres - If you are an heir, you always will be (Legal term: general principle of inheritance law, used to ensure time status as heir)
  24. Semel insanivimus omnes - We've all been crazy once
  25. Semem retentum, venenum est - Retained semen is poison (It is not good to go for a long time without ejaculating)

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