Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3471

  1. Sapientia veritas nostra - Wisdom is our truth (Academic term - Motto of the University of Bio-Bio in Concepcion, Chile)
  2. Sapientis est mutare consilium - It is wise to change your mind
  3. Sat celeriter fit quidquid fiet satis bene - Every thing that is done well, it is done with sufficient seepd (C. Suetonius Tranquilus)
  4. Sat prata biberunt - The fields are wet enough (Publius Vergilius Maro)
  5. Satis est potuisse videri - It is enough that you are able to see me (Publius Vergilius Maro)
  6. Satis Morituro - Enough for a mortal (Sign put at the entrance of a modest home)
  7. Satis vixi; invictus enim morior - I lived enough, because I die without unconquered (Cornelius Nepos - Last words of Epaminondas)
  8. Satius est otiosum esse quam nihil agere - It is better to enjoy leisure, than doing nothing (Pliny the younger, Epistulae)
  9. Sator Arepo tenet opera rotas - Arepo, the sower, skillfully maintains his wheels (Found in the ruins of Pompeii and other Roman sites. It is a palindrome, that is it reads the same way backwards, as it does forward)
  10. Satura tota nostra est - The satire is totally ours
  11. Saturni dies - The day of Saturn (Saturday)
  12. Scentio ergo sum - I feel, therefore I am (Philosophical term - Variant of cogito, ergo sum)
  13. Schisma Barcinonicum - A Schismatic From Barcelona (Pope Anti-pope Clement VIII (1423-1429) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was a Canon of Barcelona)
  14. Schola cantorum - Music school for singers
  15. Sciencia et Cultura pro omine - Science and culture at the service of man (Academic term - University Motto)
  16. Scientia est cognitio certa et vera causas - Science is a true and certain knowledge of things (Academic term)
  17. Scientia et praxis - Science and practice (Motto of the Lima University in Peru)
  18. Scientia fides aversus est - Knowledge is the enemy of faith (Roman sign found in Orvieto, Italy)
  19. Scientia non habet inimicum nisi ignorantem - Science has no enemies except for the ignorant
  20. Scientiam et veritatem et iustitiam doce me - Science and Truth and Justice will teach me (Academic term - Original motto of Lima University, Peru)
  21. Scio me nihil scire or Scio me nescire - I know that I know nothing, or I know nothing (Philosophical Term - Latin translation of the famous Socrates quote)
  22. Scipio eburneus - Ivory scepter (Symbol of consuls in ancient Rome)
  23. Scire ad trascendere - Learn to transcend (Academic term - Motto of Zalapa University in Veracruz, Mexico)
  24. Scire facias - Let them know (Legal term - Directs the Sheriff to make a record known - Also directs a defended to appear in court to explain why an existing judgment should not be executed against him or her)
  25. Scire leges non est verba earum tenere, sed vim ac potestatem - To know the low is to know its strength, not its words

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