Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3443

  1. Saguntina fames - Sanguntine hunger (Extreme hunger, in memory of the hunger suffered by the Saguntines, when there were sieged by Hannibal, and came to resort to cannibalism)
  2. Salivam movere - Moves saliva (Melts in the mouth)
  3. Saluberrimi sunt sereni dies - Quiet days are very nice (Aulus Cornelius Celsus )
  4. Salus haec est, hoc est tibi pervincendum. Hoc facias sive id non pote, sive pote! - There is one salvation, that is, you must overcome. You must do this, whether it is possible, or it is impossible!
  5. Salus infirmorum - Health of the sick (Ecclesiastical Term -Litany of the Virgin - Litany is a series of short petitions and exhortations sung or said by deacon or priest. This is one of the four that advocates Mary, the helper)
  6. Salus populi suprema lex est - The health of the people is the supreme law (Motto written in the front of the Ministry of public health building in Asuncion, Paraguay)
  7. Salutem Dicit - Wishing health (Salutation used by Cicero, often abbreviated as s.d.)
  8. Salutem Pluriman Dicit - Wishing lots of health (Abbreviated as s.p.d.)
  9. Salve Caesar, morituri te salutan!! - Hail Caesar, those about to die salute you (Ceremonial greeting of gladiators, directed at the emperor sitting in the balcony)
  10. Sancta Maria Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae - Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death (Ecclesiastical term - Part of the prayer "Hail Mary")
  11. Sancta Romana et Universalis Ecclesia - Holy Roman and Universal Church (Ecclesiastical term - Title of the Catholic Church by a decree of Pope John XXII, of December 30, 1317)
  12. Sancta sancte tractanda - Holy things must be treated holily (Ecclesiastical term)
  13. Sancta sanctorum - The holiest of all holy (Ecclesiastical term)
  14. Sanctimonia Vincet Semper - Purity Will Always Conquer (Motto of the Malfoy Family, from Harry Potter - Thank you: Allie)
  15. Sane homini praeter opinionem improviso incidi - Contrary to what is believed, I suddenly attacked a man (Cicero In Verrem)
  16. Sanguis vita est - Blood is life (That is what Dracula says)
  17. Sapedere vedere - Knowing how to see (Leonardo da Vinci)
  18. Sapere aude - Dare to think (Imannnel Kant What is Enlightenment)
  19. Sapere vivere est - To know is to live
  20. Sapiens ipsum nocere - The wise man knows himself
  21. Sapiens nihil affirmat quod non probat - A wise man never asserts something that has not been proved
  22. Sapiens procul negotiis vivit - The wise man keeps away from business deals (Philosophical term)
  23. Sapiens res adversas non timet - The wise man does not fear adversity
  24. Sapienta ducet ad astra - Wisdom leads to the stars (Academic term - constant learning leads to the highest levels)
  25. Sapienta melior auro est - The wisdom is better than gold

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