Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3418

  1. Ritus initialis - Initiation rites
  2. Rixari de lana caprina - Argue over a goat's hair (Horace - For no reason)
  3. Rogate quae ad pacem sunt Ierusalem - Pray for those that are for the peace of Jerusalem (Vulgate - Book of Psalms, 122, 6)`
  4. Rogo non quod dubitem sed quia mos est - I ask, not because I doubt it, but because it is customary
  5. Roma ante Romulum fuit - Rome existed before Romulus
  6. Roma, caput mundi, regit orbis frena rotundi - Rome, capital of the world, holds the reigns of the world (Motto inscribed in the crown of Diocletian)
  7. Roma invicta est - Rome is invincible
  8. Roma Locuta Est, Causa Finita Est - Rome has spoken, the case is closed (St Augustine declaring the authority of the Pope)
  9. Roma traditoribus non adnumerat - Rome does not pay traitors (Quintus Servilius Caepio response to the Viriato murderers when they demanded payment)
  10. Roma vincit! - Rome wins!
  11. Rosa Composita - A Compound Rose (Pope Nicholas III (1277-1280) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His coat of Arm bore a rose)
  12. Rosa Umbriae - The Rose of Umbria (Pope Clement XIII (1758-1769) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - There is no association with his coat of arms, name or birth place)
  13. Rosaria rhythmica - Rhythm of the rosary
  14. Rut et Esther et Iudith tantae gloriae sunt, ut sacris voluminibus nomina indiderint - Ruth, Esther and Judith are of such glory, that they came to give their names to the holy books (St. Jerome)
  15. Sacerdotalis caelibatus - The celibacy of priests (Pope Paul VI Encyclical letter)
  16. Sacerdotes iustitiae - Priests of justice
  17. Sacrae disciplinae leges - Code of Canon Law (Ecclesiastical term)
  18. Sacramentum caritatis - The sacrament of charity (Ecclesiastical term - Definition of the Mass by St. Thomas Aquinas)
  19. Sacramentum proprie dicitur quod ita signum est gratiae Dei, ei invisibilis gratiae forma, ut ipsius imaginem gerat et causa existat - Something can can properly be called a sacrament if it is a sign of the grace of God and a form of invisible grace, so that it bears its image and exists as its cause (Ecclesiastical term - definition of "sacrament")
  20. Saepe expertus - Test many times (Thank you: Kenneth J. Cooper)
  21. Saepe ne utile quidem est scire quid futurum sit - Sometimes it's better not to know what will happen (Cicero)
  22. Saepe solent auro multa subesse mala - Frequently, hidden under the gold there are many evils (Albius Tibulus)
  23. Saepe stilum vertas - Often stimulate your pen (Horace)
  24. Saepe summa ingenia in occulto latent - The greatest talents often remain hidden (Titus Plautus Macio)
  25. Saepe tacens vocem verbaque vultus habet - Often a silent face has voice and words

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