Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3268

  1. Quis nos separabit a caritate Christi? - Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?
  2. Quis potest mortem metuens non miser esse? - Who can not be unhappy, if he is fearful of death?
  3. Quis, quid, ubi, quibus auxiliis, cur, quomodo, quando? - Who, what, where, with what, why, how, when? (St. Bernardus Clairval)
  4. Quis separabit? - Who shall separate us?
  5. Quis tu ipse sis memento - Remember who you are
  6. Quis ut Deus? - Who is like God? (Motto of angels led by St. Michael - Abbreviated as Q.S.D)
  7. Quis vestrum ignorat? - Who among you is ignorant ?
  8. Quisque - Each
  9. Quo Bene - Who Benefits (Legal term - Comes from ancient Rome used to identify one who benefited from a death of a wealthy person, inspectors were using it to find out who benefited from this death - Thank you: Tomek Zarebski)
  10. Quo ex portu commodissimum in Britanniam traniectum esse congoverat - I had known that moving to Britain from that port was extremely comfortable (Caeser, de Bello Gallico
  11. Quo fas et gloria docunt - Where right and glory leads us
  12. Quo modo et quando iudex sententiam proferre debet praesentibus partibus vel una absente - In mode and time, the judge must sentence in presence of the parties, or with one party absent (Legal term - Valentinian and Valens, Roman co-emperors of the West (fourth century) Cod.7,43)
  13. Quo non ascendet? - How far will it go up?
  14. Quo vadis, Domine? - Where are you going, Lord (St Peter asks Jesus, as he was fleeing Rome under Emperor Nero. To which Jesus replied, "I'm going to be crucified again". Apparently with the guilty conscience for having previously denied Jesus, Peter turned around and went back to Rome, where he was crucified in the circus)
  15. Quocumque fugies deus te videbit - Anywhere you run away, God sees you (St. Augustine)
  16. Quod ab initium vitiosum est tractu tempore convalescere non potest - What is flawed from the beginning, cannot be corrected over time (Legal term - can refer to an administration)
  17. Quod abundat non vitiat - What abounds, does not harm
  18. Quod aegris evenit quos longa imbecillitas usque eo adfecit ut nusquam sine offensa proferantur hoc accidit nobis - What happens to the sick, who have been ill for a long time, so they never fully recover, that's exactly what happens to us
  19. Quod bonum, felix faustumque sit - Let it be good, happy and prosperous (Happy new Year)
  20. Quod Deus conjunxit, homo non separet - What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder (Vulgate - Mark 10,9)
  21. Quod dixi, dixi - What I said, it is said
  22. Quod erat demonstrandum - Which was to be demonstrated (Mathematical term - traditionally placed at the end of proofs - abbreviated as QED)
  23. Quod erat faciendum - Which was to be shown (Mathematical term - traditionally placed at the end of a solution - abbreviated as QEF)
  24. Quod facis, te facit - That which you do, makes you
  25. Quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur - What is gratuitously asserted, can be gratuitously denied

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