Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3243

  1. Quid est veritas? - What is truth (Vulgate - John 18, 38)
  2. Quid est veritas? est vir qui adest - What is truth? It is a man who is present.
  3. Quid faciant leges, ubi sola pecunia regnat? - What can laws do, where only money reigns? (Philosophical term)
  4. Quid Gloriam habet - Be in glory (Epitaph - Equivalent to RIP - Abbreviated as q.G.h.)
  5. Quid pro quo - This for that (In exchange - refers to the correspondence sought in a deal, also to take one thing for another, by mistake)
  6. Quid quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur - Anything said in Latin sounds smart
  7. Quid rides? Mutato nomine de te fabula narratur - Why are you laughing? Just change the name and the fable is about you (Horace)
  8. Quid sibi ergo vult septenarius iste? Nescio enim an ita simplex quispiam in nobis sit, qui otiosas esse has vices, et numerum hunc putet fortuitum - What then does that number seven mean? I wonder if anyone among us is so ingenuous as to think that those yawnings of the boy were devoid of import, their number fortuitous (St. Bernardus Clairval - Cantica Canticorum - Sermo XVI, 1)
  9. Quid tandem te impedit? mosne maiorum? - What hinders you? the customs of the ancestors? (Cicero In Catilinam)
  10. Quid ultra faciam? - What else should we do? (Motto of the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain)
  11. Quid vitae sectabor iter? - What kind of life should I follow? (Rene Descartes)
  12. Quidam - Any (To refer to someone or someone insignificant)
  13. Quidquid discis tibi discis - What you learn, you learn it for you (Gaius Petronius, a Roman poet of the first century, Satyricon 46.8)
  14. Quidquid facies, respice ad mortem - Whatever you do, contemplate death. (Seneca - Epistulae morales ad Lucilium XIX, 114, 27)
  15. Quidquid movetur ab alio movetur - Whatever is moved, changed, or produced is moved, changed, or produced by another. ( If one thing (object 1) is moved, changed, or produced from its original state, is moved, changed, or produced by another thing (object 2) that is different from the thing (object 1) itself. This another thing (object 2) must be actual, at least, perfect in itself, in order to effect a change, movement, or production to the thing (object 1) - Thank you: Fr. Anthony P. Irineo, OAR )
  16. Quidquid non agnoscit glossa nec agnoscit curia - What does not know the gloss, the court does not know (Legal term)
  17. Quidquid recipitur ad modum recipientis recipitur - Whatever is received is received according to the mode of the recipient ( That whatever sensation is received by the external sense organ is received by it according only to the function that is proper to the sense organ itself. For example, the light that strikes a piece of wood does not produce visual sensation to the wood unlike it is produced when the light strikes the eye - Thank you: Fr. Anthony P. Irineo, OAR )
  18. Quidvis Recte Factum Quamvis Humilde Praeclarum - Anything done well, however humble, is noble
  19. Quilibet homo secundum quod suum est, debet se cuilibet proximo subjicere quantum ad id quod est Dei in ipso - Everyone should recognize as being less of himself, as compared to what others have from God (St. Thomas Aquinas)
  20. Quinque de causis addiscit homo: ut sciat, ut sciatur scire, ut vendat, ut aedificet, ut aedificetur. Ut sciat, curiositas est; ut sciatur scire, vanitas; ut vendat, simonia; ut aedificet, charitas; ut aedificetur, humilitas. Qui nutriti erant in croceis, amplexati sunt stercora, id est curam ventris - There are five reasons why men study. To know, so it be known that he knows, to sell, to build, to edify himself. To know is curiosity, to be known is vanity, to sell is simony, to build is charity and to edify yourself is humility (St. Bernardus Clairval - Sententiae 19)
  21. Quintia formosa est multis mihi candida tonga rectast - Quintia is beautiful to many, to me, she is pale, lanky and dry (Catullus, Carmen 86)
  22. Quintili Vare, legiones, redde, meum! - Varus give me back my legions! (Cesar telling general varus to give him back his legions after the defeat at tuteonburg forest - Thank you: Pizza Guy )
  23. Quiritarium - Roman citizen by birth
  24. Quis dubitat quin in virtute divitiae sint ? - Who doubts that virtue is wealth?
  25. Quis necavit equitem? - Who killed the knight? (It's the riddle to be solved in the novel "The Flanders Panel")

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