Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3110

  1. Problemate hoc soluto, ad sequens ibimus - After solving this problem, we go to the next (Solving all problems, one by one)
  2. Procedamus omnes in pace - All move forward in peace (Ecclesiastical term)
  3. Procedant omnes - All move forward (Ecclesiastical term - Invitation from the master of ceremonies)
  4. Procurator in rem suam - Attorney in his own case (Legal term)
  5. Procurator Metallorum - Procurator of metals (High Authority entrusted by the Roman senate to oversee of work in the mines in Hispania)
  6. Proeliis parta sunt, ferro et viribus, sed bella parta caput - Battles are won with swords and strength, but wars are won with the head (Scipio)
  7. Proemium - Preface (Introduction of a speech)
  8. Promissio parit debitum - What's promised is owed (Philosophical term - don't let your mouth write a check that your butt can't cash)
  9. Promoveatur ut amoveatur - Promoted to get him out of the way (To remove someone who is causing problems. Also known as "Promoveatur ut removeatur")
  10. Pronuntiatio restituta - Pronunciation restored (Articulation of the Latin language as it was classic time)
  11. Propaganda Fide - To propagate the faith (Congregation founded in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV to spread Christianity)
  12. Propia Persona - For Oneself (Legal term - Representing oneself in court without a lawyer or additional legal representation - Thank you: Kofi )
  13. Propino tibi salutem! - I salute you before drinking! (Cheers!)
  14. Proprio marte - On its own initative
  15. Propter libidinem - Because of lust (Ecclesiastical term - Thomas Aquinas used this argument to explain that if the priest was a woman, the faithful (men) would get sexually excited)
  16. Propter nuptias - Proper nuptials (Also the expression donation propter nuptias in reference to the donation parents made to their children wedding)
  17. Prosit - Cheers (Ecclesiastical term - after a meal and after the priests after Mass)
  18. Protestatio servat ius protestantis - The protest preserves the rights of those who protest
  19. Provida mater Ecclesia - Provident Mother Church (Ecclesiastical term - Apostolic Constitution of Pope Pius XII)
  20. Proximus sum egomet mihi - Charity begins at home (Terence)
  21. Psalteria rhythmica - Rhythms of Psalms
  22. Publicum ius est quod ad statum rei romanae spectat; privatum, quod ad singulorum utilitatem - Public law is looks over to the state of the Roman Republic; private, which looks over the good of the individual (Legal term in ancient Rome)
  23. Puella dominicana, feria secunda non Amat - Sunday girl does not love Mondays
  24. Puella improba, parvum improbus - Bad girl, boy bad
  25. Puer natus est nobis - A child is born to us (Ecclesiastical term - Introit of the third Mass on Christmas)

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