Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 3085

  1. Pro bono publico - For the good of the people (Legal term - when a lawyer takes a case for free)
  2. Pro Brasilia Fiant Eximia - Let us do the best for Brazil (Motto of the Coat of arms of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil - Thank you: Decio Frederico Viccino)
  3. Pro capta lectoris, habent sua fata libelli - According to the ability of the reader, the books have their fate (Terentianus Maurus - a text is only useful as the capacity of the reader is to understand it)
  4. Pro domo mea - In my favor (Legal term)
  5. Pro domo sua - On his own behalf (Legal term)
  6. Pro forma - For the sake of form (Diplomatic term - Done only as a formality)
  7. Pro homine - On behalf of mankind (Legal term - principle which seeks to protect human rights under the law)
  8. Pro indiviso - For an undivided party (Legal term - In joint tenancy)
  9. Pro libertate patria gens libera state - The freedom of the Sate makes the freedom of the homeland (Motto of Infants Obanos from Navarra, Spain)
  10. Pro mundi beneficio - For the benefit of the world (Motto of Panama)
  11. Pro patria ad deum - For the country to God (Motto of the Fraternity of Saint Thomas Aquinas)
  12. Pro Patria, Rege ac Fide sanguinem atque divitas - For the fatherland, the King and faith of blood and wealth (Villaverde Family Motto)
  13. Pro rata - Proportionately
  14. Pro rata parte - A fixed or predetermined portion
  15. Pro re nata - For the born thing (Medical term - as needed, for an occasion that has arisen)
  16. Pro Rege, lege, et Grege - For King, the law, and the People ( Thank you: Carsten R )
  17. Pro rege saepe, pro patria semper - For the king, often, to the homeland always (Jean Baptiste Colbert, French politician, 1619-1683)
  18. Pro Sancte Iuppiter - For sacred Jupiter
  19. Pro Scientia et Patria - For Science and Country (Motto of the University of la Plata, in Argentina)
  20. Pro Se - For Oneself (Legal term - Representing oneself in court without a lawyer or additional legal representation - Thank you: Kofi )
  21. Pro tempore - For the time being
  22. Pro tribunali - In front of the court or in front of a judge (Legal term)
  23. Pro Vincere - Before victory
  24. Probae esti in segetem sunt deteriorem datae fruges, tamen ipsae suaptae enitent - A good seed planted, even in poor soil, will bring rich fruits by its own nature
  25. Probitas laudatur et alget - Honesty is praised, and left to starve (Decimus Junius Juvenalis - I Satire)

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